Super Lemon Haze? =P


Well-Known Member
hHAha your bringin a clone with ya on a plane? Thats pretty ballsy... HA imagine what they'd say if they found you bringin a live plant around with ya LOL!


Well-Known Member
Haha, not if you knew my means of transporting it ya digg

I mailed it to ya chika, sorry for the delay. Am at a restaurant that has internet =)
Shipped two or so days ago, can't remember. Enjoy.
Mister Nice Guy


Well-Known Member
Haha, not if you knew my means of transporting it ya digg

I mailed it to ya chika, sorry for the delay. Am at a restaurant that has internet =)
Shipped two or so days ago, can't remember. Enjoy.
Mister Nice Guy

Lol its all good! it was kinda fun though.. right?

i trust ya, i don't have to sign anything though do i?


Well-Known Member
oh yea, and if anything happens with "Squishy" the bub clone jus tell me and i will rectify the situation cause that was some chill ass stuffs on your guys part to smoke me out and what not


Well-Known Member
ah damn, that's too bad. It proly that damned HPS. Overkill lol
If you have cfls that would have been nicer for it. i am sure bein in a case like that for that long wasn't helpin either though haha


Well-Known Member
ah damn, that's too bad. It proly that damned HPS. Overkill lol
If you have cfls that would have been nicer for it. i am sure bein in a case like that for that long wasn't helpin either though haha

yeah =(

at least we know it comes haha! that was funny, i didn't think we'd get it while you were chilling that was really funny to me.


Well-Known Member
haha yea, all arrived the same time i did
twas fun ya, hella random, but fun....buttery fun lol

haha buttery fun.

I donno that was cool though and gave me something to do.. and then i smoked that super blunt. that shit was crazyyy. when did your flight come?


Well-Known Member
haha, i think her grows ova for this strain. male. not sure if she got more seeds of it though. I know she was germing some freakishly long tailed seeds haha, you know alison.
I would have loved that giant blunt but I was damn high last time when I was goin threw the security checkpoint and made an ass of myself, so didn't wanna repeat it ya know....
-Mister Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
aw thats sweet yall got to chill!... and smoke.
hope you guys got super high! lol
i don't know how fucked up i've been this week. i honestly don't even remember the day we all hung out lmao.

haha, i think her grows ova for this strain. male. not sure if she got more seeds of it though. I know she was germing some freakishly long tailed seeds haha, you know alison.
I would have loved that giant blunt but I was damn high last time when I was goin threw the security checkpoint and made an ass of myself, so didn't wanna repeat it ya know....
-Mister Nice GUY
=( yeahh. it is. stupid males. yeah!! that seed was so freakishly long it was practically out of the seed ahahah. yeah i gotcha but it would have been a smooth ride back lol