

Active Member
Hello everyone until now I've just been feeding every other watering I just got a ppm pen what numbers am I looking for? And is runoff an ok way to do it or should I pull a sample and soak it?


Well-Known Member
OK first off are you in Soil or Coco? Me personally I checked PPM runoff and Coco every day immediately after I feed them which is what you should be doing if it’s Coco always always always always always feed every time water goes into that pot i’ve got quite a few harvest underneath my belt now in coco drain to waste......I have yet to break 1000 ppm’s (.5hanna)...... Every strain likes different feed ......every strain tolerates hot feed more than others..... Case in point black widow I’ve grown dozens of them from seed every time I push past 550 ppm’s in veg even with nine weeks veg I see burnt tips and slowed growth..... During the first three weeks of 1212 because I check run off every single day I start to see runoff ppm’s dip over 100 ppm is below what I am putting into it that’s because they’re stretching they are going to eat more during those first 3 to 4 weeks of stretch because they are exploding so I always bump them up an extra 100 to 150 P PMs.... Literally first day of week five into the flip up 200 ppm‘s over what I’m putting in that’s because they stopped exploding they stop stretching they don’t need all that extra shit anymore so I drop it down to 600 and I keep it there until I chop them down no flushing no lowering it down none of that bullshit it’s proven to not do a damn thing now.... Pictures posted below are my black widows six weeks into 1212 getting fed less than half of what most people are feeding their plants just because you don’t see burns on the leaves doesn’t mean that they’re using all that P PMs will tell you exactly how much that plant is eating if you’re putting in 500 ppm and you’re seeing on a consistent basis 510 to 550 ppm’s runoff your golden you’re giving them damn near exactly what they’re eating anything


Well-Known Member
Anything more than that and you are literally dumping money down the drain because they are just not eating it if they were your P PMs wouldn’t be higher in your runoff than what it is going into your pots..... My last grow was blue dream feminized from seed seven weeks exactly veggedIf you’re not familiar with that strain everyone I know and have talk to tell me that blue dream is one of the heaviest feeders they have ever come across and they can never give it to much well I pulled almost a pound and a half off of one plant no typing no filming just low stress training and following the swazzing technique .that’s it no bud boosters or any of that snake oiled ....literally ro water as base ,cal mag 300ppm...4ml per gal in diluted h2o2 (34%)...sensi gaurd (silica supplement)....and a and b coco tek bloom 450ppms...total ppm threw out flower never went past 800ppms and I pulled damn near 1.5lbs off one plant....you don’t need to go over 1000pp,s you dumping money down the drain my dude trust me 2ns pic is my 1.5 lb plant


Well-Known Member
Same with big mama I saw my ppm run off dip below 100ppm than what I was giving her once every day at light on so I bumped her up to 800ppms after she stoped stretching I saw burnt tips and slowed bud growth so I lowered her down to 750ppms that’s it bro trust me iv done it in real life


Active Member
Anything more than that and you are literally dumping money down the drain because they are just not eating it if they were your P PMs wouldn’t be higher in your runoff than what it is going into your pots..... My last grow was blue dream feminized from seed seven weeks exactly veggedIf you’re not familiar with that strain everyone I know and have talk to tell me that blue dream is one of the heaviest feeders they have ever come across and they can never give it to much well I pulled almost a pound and a half off of one plant no typing no filming just low stress training and following the swazzing technique .that’s it no bud boosters or any of that snake oiled ....literally ro water as base ,cal mag 300ppm...4ml per gal in diluted h2o2 (34%)...sensi gaurd (silica supplement)....and a and b coco tek bloom 450ppms...total ppm threw out flower never went past 800ppms and I pulled damn near 1.5lbs off one plant....you don’t need to go over 1000pp,s you dumping money down the drain my dude trust me 2ns pic is my 1.5 lb plant
Thanks for your input im in soil till I figure out what I'm doing thi16039383641665830722628227082553.jpgs photo is all bag seed no idea what any of these are but they all have buds


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your input im in soil till I figure out what I'm doing thiView attachment 4728007s photo is all bag seed no idea what any of these are but they all have buds
First thing to measure is your water so you know where you stand there. If using tap water access the online quality report the water utility will have posted. Then you know the calcium and magnesium levels especially.


Well-Known Member
OK first off are you in Soil or Coco? Me personally I checked PPM runoff and Coco every day immediately after I feed them which is what you should be doing if it’s Coco always always always always always feed every time water goes into that pot i’ve got quite a few harvest underneath my belt now in coco drain to waste......I have yet to break 1000 ppm’s (.5hanna)...... Every strain likes different feed ......every strain tolerates hot feed more than others..... Case in point black widow I’ve grown dozens of them from seed every time I push past 550 ppm’s in veg even with nine weeks veg I see burnt tips and slowed growth..... During the first three weeks of 1212 because I check run off every single day I start to see runoff ppm’s dip over 100 ppm is below what I am putting into it that’s because they’re stretching they are going to eat more during those first 3 to 4 weeks of stretch because they are exploding so I always bump them up an extra 100 to 150 P PMs.... Literally first day of week five into the flip up 200 ppm‘s over what I’m putting in that’s because they stopped exploding they stop stretching they don’t need all that extra shit anymore so I drop it down to 600 and I keep it there until I chop them down no flushing no lowering it down none of that bullshit it’s proven to not do a damn thing now.... Pictures posted below are my black widows six weeks into 1212 getting fed less than half of what most people are feeding their plants just because you don’t see burns on the leaves doesn’t mean that they’re using all that P PMs will tell you exactly how much that plant is eating if you’re putting in 500 ppm and you’re seeing on a consistent basis 510 to 550 ppm’s runoff your golden you’re giving them damn near exactly what they’re eating anything
Solid advice. 450-500ppm max.


Well-Known Member
Most strains yes.....I ran into horibal cal mag def in week 4 flower into week 6 .... but blue dream is a known n and cal mag hog .....my own fault most likely hurt my yeild because she stopped growing in the point in their life’s where the buds grow the most......but she bounced back and I pulled well over a lb....from now on start to finish 300ppm cal mag with ro water as base fuck that cal mag def ain’t nobody got time for dat


Well-Known Member
That wasn’t as bad as it got it got a lot worse than the pics above....I thought I was going to loose them and came very close on several occasions to chopping them down and starting over ...(super glad I didn’t)... you see cannabis utilizes cal mag for many things, one of the main things though is proper Photosynthesis Threw the plants resistance to extreme light intensity’s and also heat which is why most cases of cal mag deficiency you will she curled or toco leafs (a sign of light burn and heat stress)...so I advise anyone who encounters cal mag deficiency to raise your lights as high as they can go for a week and then slowly lower them back down.....I did this at week 4 flower and I missed out on most of the bulk phase of their life span but I still had my biggest harvest to date.....also biggest plant to date