Newb Closet Coco Grow, 400w MH+HPS

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
oh man, got some major wood over here :hump:... how much time flowering for those ladies now ?
Hmmm, let me bust out my calendar here... OK, the closeup bud pics were actually taken two days ago so at that time: White Lady is 5 weeks + 6 days. Jock Horror is 3 weeks + 4 days. Bubblicious is 3 weeks + 1 day.

Beatifull! I can see u are completely obsessed!Very nice!
I won't fake. I spend a lot of time working on my garden and/or thinking about my garden LOL. Find myself sitting in traffic, daydreaming about how to improve my setup. I'm addicted to growing!

Very impressive Mared. Congrats on the 600.
Thanks. I'm really syked. Can't wait to see the results :weed: I'll start posting more regular updates here I think.


Well-Known Member
Yea i hear ya mared, I have completely consumed my life with projects at this point!
It does get addicting i guess but couldnt think of another hobby more rewarding lol!
Anyhow swing by the grow bro, found some pink kush early in flowering on the net and its starting to look alot like xmas lmao! Ur grow is awesome dude, i know u prolly spend more time on those than u do with some of ur family!


Well-Known Member
how are you keeping that room so cool at only <79 degrees F?

i see you have the fan, but do you have an AC blowing in there somewhere?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
how are you keeping that room so cool at only <79 degrees F?

i see you have the fan, but do you have an AC blowing in there somewhere?
Alright, kinda hard to explain but the closet is attached to a bedroom which has an a/c vent. The closet door always stays open so I have a box fan right at the doorway on the ground blowing a/c air into the closet. The other box fan in the pics blows hot air around the lights out the top of the doorway. That's it - I just try to continuously circulate the a/c air from the adjoining room through the closet. Now that it's winter and the heat is on, I just close the vent so the heat is pumped elsewhere and it stays cooler in that bedroom.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hey bro thanks man but i gotta get ya back. Ive never repped anyone b4 but want to giva ya props how ya do that!?
LOL yea on any of my posts you just click the scale symbol in the top right of the post box. You can see I really don't care about rep. The rep meter is the little colored boxes below your gallery. I only have two after 8 months - really not important to me but it is a nice gesture to other people I think.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
White Lady gen 3 clone: 46 days flower
Jock Horror: 30 days flower
Bubblicious: 27 days flower
White Lady gen 4 clones: 9 days flower
JH gen 2 clones: 9 days veg
Bubb gen 2 clones: 9 days veg
White Lady gen 5 clones: rooting

Progress is slow but steady. The smell coming off of the Jock is UNBELIEVABLE. I want to make a cologne out of it LOL. So sweet and fruity and delicious.

White Lady



And the veggers


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
very nice, do you have any lights for the lower nugs?
Nah dude. I lollipop my plants. I cut everything off the main stalk on the lower 1/3 of my plants. So I don't really have lower buds. I let my plants grow naturally the first grow and they had tons of little scraggly stringy buds on the bottom. Super pain in the ass to trim and not much yield. Since I've been removing the lower budsites the tops colas have gotten huge. I think they more than make up for the stringy bottom buds I'm losing. Plus way easier to trim.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
The lower leaves are not what is important to trim. They can stay if you want. You want to get the branches with the budsites. That will fatten up the top. I actually do it twice. Usually when I move the plants into the flower room I will clean up the bottom and trim it up 1/3. Then as the plant doubles in size, the 1/3 I trimmed at the beginning of flower is no longer one third. So I have to go back around week 3 and do it again. You can see in the pic below that the plants on the left side have had there preliminary cleanup but have yet to get their final trim like the plant on the right.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
ok, but im growin LST so i should just leave mine right?
I've never done LST so I'm not really sure. Maybe try it on one or two plants and see? My plants are usually so tall that the bottom buds are miles away from the light and they never fatten up.


Well-Known Member
ok well take a look at mine and let me know how you think they doing. 8 plants under a 400watt think i need more light? i was thinking of puttin in six 26watt cfls, worth my time?