What has Trump done to this country?

Donald is using Jim Crow on white Americans too, women, young people and even the elderly, all perceived enemies get suppressed and disenfranchised. His supporters are OK with this lying, cheating and stealing, many participate. Elections are about fairness and good will on all sides participating, if you don't want to follow the agreed upon rules, don't participate or go to prison, for a mandatory minimum too.

Four ways 'Jim Crow 2.0' is shaping this presidential election

(CNN)On the first and third Monday of each month, Theresa Burroughs traveled to Alabama's Hale County courthouse to register to vote. On each trip, she was met by a group of White men playing dominoes.

One of those men oversaw voter registration in the county. He'd point to a jar of jelly beans on a nearby table and ask Burroughs, "How many black jelly beans are in a jar? How many red ones in there?"

It was the late 1940s, and Burroughs was a Black woman who knew she wasn't welcome at a voting booth in the Jim Crow South. But she was so determined to vote that she kept going to the courthouse every month for two years until she wore the voter registrar down. When he finally handed her a voter registration card, he didn't bother to hide his disgust.

"It was a joy," Burroughs said, recounting her first vote during a 2015 interview with a nonprofit group that collects oral histories. "But the thing about it is, I didn't feel it should have been this hard. I knew it shouldn't have been this hard."
More than 70 years later, it still is hard for many Black people to vote in America -- and the proof can be seen in how this year's presidential election has unfolded, voting rights advocates and historians say.
This 1867 illustration from Harper's Weekly shows African-American men voting in a state election in the South during Reconstruction. Although Black men were allowed to vote after the Civil War, voting rights for African Americans were continually eroded until the 1960s.

This 1867 illustration from Harper's Weekly shows African-American men voting in a state election in the South during Reconstruction. Although Black men were allowed to vote after the Civil War, voting rights for African Americans were continually eroded until the 1960s.

The jelly beans test never quite went away; it's just evolved into more sophisticated ploys. They include allegedly sabotaging the US Postal Service to delay the delivery of mail-in ballots, limiting sprawling counties in Texas to one ballot drop-box location, and passing stricter voter ID laws to combat allegations of widespread voter fraud, even though those claims have been debunked in court and by academic studies.

Voting-rights advocates say those are just some of the tactics that President Donald Trump, Republican politicians and Republican-appointed judges are employing to prevent Black people -- and other groups who traditionally align with the Democratic Party -- from voting in 2020.
Donald will wait until after the election to fire Fauci, he will work for a network, then Joe. Perhaps if Donald loses the election though, he might only be concerned with saving his ego and ass, he could forget everything else. I'm sure Fauci has enough accumulated vacation and sick time to tide him over...

Fauci vs the herd, of moral morons.
Rift between Fauci and White House bursts open

White House unleashes on Fauci after criticism of Atlas and Trump's pandemic response

atlas is a charlatan who just got his 15 minutes.
Donald is using Jim Crow on white Americans too, women, young people and even the elderly, all perceived enemies get suppressed and disenfranchised. His supporters are OK with this lying, cheating and stealing, many participate. Elections are about fairness and good will on all sides participating, if you don't want to follow the agreed upon rules, don't participate or go to prison, for a mandatory minimum too.

Four ways 'Jim Crow 2.0' is shaping this presidential election

(CNN)On the first and third Monday of each month, Theresa Burroughs traveled to Alabama's Hale County courthouse to register to vote. On each trip, she was met by a group of White men playing dominoes.

One of those men oversaw voter registration in the county. He'd point to a jar of jelly beans on a nearby table and ask Burroughs, "How many black jelly beans are in a jar? How many red ones in there?"

It was the late 1940s, and Burroughs was a Black woman who knew she wasn't welcome at a voting booth in the Jim Crow South. But she was so determined to vote that she kept going to the courthouse every month for two years until she wore the voter registrar down. When he finally handed her a voter registration card, he didn't bother to hide his disgust.

"It was a joy," Burroughs said, recounting her first vote during a 2015 interview with a nonprofit group that collects oral histories. "But the thing about it is, I didn't feel it should have been this hard. I knew it shouldn't have been this hard."
More than 70 years later, it still is hard for many Black people to vote in America -- and the proof can be seen in how this year's presidential election has unfolded, voting rights advocates and historians say.
This 1867 illustration from Harper's Weekly shows African-American men voting in a state election in the South during Reconstruction. Although Black men were allowed to vote after the Civil War, voting rights for African Americans were continually eroded until the 1960s.

This 1867 illustration from Harper's Weekly shows African-American men voting in a state election in the South during Reconstruction. Although Black men were allowed to vote after the Civil War, voting rights for African Americans were continually eroded until the 1960s.

The jelly beans test never quite went away; it's just evolved into more sophisticated ploys. They include allegedly sabotaging the US Postal Service to delay the delivery of mail-in ballots, limiting sprawling counties in Texas to one ballot drop-box location, and passing stricter voter ID laws to combat allegations of widespread voter fraud, even though those claims have been debunked in court and by academic studies.

Voting-rights advocates say those are just some of the tactics that President Donald Trump, Republican politicians and Republican-appointed judges are employing to prevent Black people -- and other groups who traditionally align with the Democratic Party -- from voting in 2020.

welcome to america..colorado is like two states and you better hope someone making the decision for your benefits doesn't live in Boulder, Colorado Springs or Unincorporated El Paso County..especially MMJ..it's a fight here and they don't like newcomers.
I'm in the UK......we always put the day before the month, before the year - DD/MM/YYYY.
My avi says "Who the fuck is Kanye West?" It's Keith Richards, but that bit you probably knew.
You're welcome, Annette...I mean Schuylaar! ;)

what's Annette? you know I'm a Yank- we don't get everything..you mean Karen?

i'm just a curious female- we can't help it..men compartmentalize; women look from all angles while multi-tasking.

great avi BTW.

i heard you're getting breakouts in the EU so I guess they're giving people time to re-supply, would be my guess..we're gonna shut down after the election; it's the only way by starting over; then contact trace etc like we should've done..send out supplies.

oh! i get you mean bening! we all resemble someone. not quite a slag yet.
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Donald is using Jim Crow on white Americans too, women, young people and even the elderly, all perceived enemies get suppressed and disenfranchised. His supporters are OK with this lying, cheating and stealing, many participate. Elections are about fairness and good will on all sides participating, if you don't want to follow the agreed upon rules, don't participate or go to prison, for a mandatory minimum too.

Four ways 'Jim Crow 2.0' is shaping this presidential election

(CNN)On the first and third Monday of each month, Theresa Burroughs traveled to Alabama's Hale County courthouse to register to vote. On each trip, she was met by a group of White men playing dominoes.

One of those men oversaw voter registration in the county. He'd point to a jar of jelly beans on a nearby table and ask Burroughs, "How many black jelly beans are in a jar? How many red ones in there?"

It was the late 1940s, and Burroughs was a Black woman who knew she wasn't welcome at a voting booth in the Jim Crow South. But she was so determined to vote that she kept going to the courthouse every month for two years until she wore the voter registrar down. When he finally handed her a voter registration card, he didn't bother to hide his disgust.

"It was a joy," Burroughs said, recounting her first vote during a 2015 interview with a nonprofit group that collects oral histories. "But the thing about it is, I didn't feel it should have been this hard. I knew it shouldn't have been this hard."
More than 70 years later, it still is hard for many Black people to vote in America -- and the proof can be seen in how this year's presidential election has unfolded, voting rights advocates and historians say.
This 1867 illustration from Harper's Weekly shows African-American men voting in a state election in the South during Reconstruction. Although Black men were allowed to vote after the Civil War, voting rights for African Americans were continually eroded until the 1960s.

This 1867 illustration from Harper's Weekly shows African-American men voting in a state election in the South during Reconstruction. Although Black men were allowed to vote after the Civil War, voting rights for African Americans were continually eroded until the 1960s.

The jelly beans test never quite went away; it's just evolved into more sophisticated ploys. They include allegedly sabotaging the US Postal Service to delay the delivery of mail-in ballots, limiting sprawling counties in Texas to one ballot drop-box location, and passing stricter voter ID laws to combat allegations of widespread voter fraud, even though those claims have been debunked in court and by academic studies.

Voting-rights advocates say those are just some of the tactics that President Donald Trump, Republican politicians and Republican-appointed judges are employing to prevent Black people -- and other groups who traditionally align with the Democratic Party -- from voting in 2020.

1) i can't get a CO DL because my birth certificate is from the township in which i was born; they require state.

2) i can't get my MMJ license because I need a CO ID/DL even though they have a first time waiver program (to use out of state ID) they say i don't qualify..what are the qualifications? you need a CO ID/DL but i want to apply for first time waiver 'we've decided you don't qualify' okay, please walk me through the qualification process; how you arrived at that answer. 'you need CO ID/DL'. so then what's the first time waiver program for that's listed on your website and as an option in dropdown box? 'you need CO ID/DL.

3) i almost couldn't vote here because of CO ID/DL but Schuylaar found a work around and i beat them at their own game and got to vote after all:finger:
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what's Annette? you know I'm a Yank- we don't get everything..you mean Karen?

i'm just a curious female- we can't help it..men compartmentalize; women look from all angles while multi-tasking.

great avi BTW.

i heard you're getting breakouts in the EU so I guess they're giving people time to re-supply, would be my guess..we're gonna shut down after the election; it's the only way by starting over; then contact trace etc like we should've done..send out supplies.

oh! i get you mean bening!
".....I've been told by many I resemble Annette Benning.."
I was thinking of changing my avi to "Brits For Biden" :D
Yeah men have trouble multi-tasking....I have to sit down when I chew gum!

Yep we're heading for catastrophe in the UK. We might soon be using ice rinks as morgues. Our wannabe Trump ignored the doctors and listened to his backers who all wanted to keep businesses open, keep bars open, get people back into the office. Experts recommended a lockdown 7 weeks or so ago but the money men wouldn't let it happen, so the PM listened to the money.
Schools are staying open, which means teachers and parents/grand-parents are at risk. We should have locked down sooner and harder to avoid a 2nd and probably 3rd lockdown.

BTW Annette Bening started her acting career in Colorado.
".....I've been told by many I resemble Annette Benning.."
I was thinking of changing my avi to "Brits For Biden" :D
Yeah men have trouble multi-tasking....I have to sit down when I chew gum!

Yep we're heading for catastrophe in the UK. We might soon be using ice rinks as morgues. Our wannabe Trump ignored the doctors and listened to his backers who all wanted to keep businesses open, keep bars open, get people back into the office. Experts recommended a lockdown 7 weeks or so ago but the money men wouldn't let it happen, so the PM listened to the money.
Schools are staying open, which means teachers and parents/grand-parents are at risk. We should have locked down sooner and harder to avoid a 2nd and probably 3rd lockdown.

BTW Annette Bening started her acting career in Colorado.
Good luck
".....I've been told by many I resemble Annette Benning.."
I was thinking of changing my avi to "Brits For Biden" :D
Yeah men have trouble multi-tasking....I have to sit down when I chew gum!

Yep we're heading for catastrophe in the UK. We might soon be using ice rinks as morgues. Our wannabe Trump ignored the doctors and listened to his backers who all wanted to keep businesses open, keep bars open, get people back into the office. Experts recommended a lockdown 7 weeks or so ago but the money men wouldn't let it happen, so the PM listened to the money.
Schools are staying open, which means teachers and parents/grand-parents are at risk. We should have locked down sooner and harder to avoid a 2nd and probably 3rd lockdown.

BTW Annette Bening started her acting career in Colorado.

yeah she was in playhouse theatres i believe.

tell boris that money won't matter if everyones dead..what about his baby? how's he going to feel if something happens on his watch..he can go to the money men and they'll say 'thoughts and prayers'.

when you have a king the only options remaining are revolution or assassination.

yeah she was in playhouse theatres i believe.

tell boris that money won't matter if everyones dead..what about his baby? how's he going to feel if something happens on his watch..he can go to the money men and they'll say 'thoughts and prayers'.
That's what Johnson forgets. He thinks it's all about the economy, forgets that people are the economy.
The rumours are that that baby isn't Johnson's. It was weird, his partner was on TV with the baby that was supposed to be like 3 months old but the baby was standing up, looking like it was much older. Something strange going on there.

The money men will replace Johnson soon. Plus he took the job expecting it would mean swanning around the globe, drinking champers and looking important. Then Covid-19 hit and he went on vacation. Didn't attend 9 emergency govt meetings to discuss Covid. He doesn't want the job, it's too much work for him.
yeah she was in playhouse theatres i believe.

tell boris that money won't matter if everyones dead..what about his baby? how's he going to feel if something happens on his watch..he can go to the money men and they'll say 'thoughts and prayers'.

when you have a king the only options remaining are revolution or assassination.

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Revolution required, that's for sure. We might well get one in January after Brexit hits. There is a very high likelihood that there will be food shortages because of the new Customs arrangements with mainland Europe, where a lot of our food comes from. Plus businesses are being told "Prepare for Brexit" but they don't know how to prepare because there hasn't been a deal done with the EU and therefore they don't know what the new rules will be. The whole thing is a clusterfuck.
Revolution required, that's for sure. We might well get one in January after Brexit hits. There is a very high likelihood that there will be food shortages because of the new Customs arrangements with mainland Europe, where a lot of our food comes from. Plus businesses are being told "Prepare for Brexit" but they don't know how to prepare because there hasn't been a deal done with the EU and therefore they don't know what the new rules will be. The whole thing is a clusterfuck.

thank putin and his evil monkeys for brexit..someone needs to handle putin and i just don't get why they won't it would be so easy.
thank putin and his evil monkeys for brexit..someone needs to handle putin and i just don't get why they won't it would be so easy.
They won't handle Putin because all his cronies funnel billions of £'s into London, buying properties, soccer clubs etc etc and they donate a shit load of cash to the Conservative party, which is what keeps them in power. if there's 2 things a right winger loves more than the air they breathe it's money and power. The wife of a Putin crony paid the Conservative party £250K for a game of tennis with Johnson.
One of Johnson's best buddies is ex-KGB living in London. And Dmytro Firtash also is a backer of Johnson.
The corruption is rife and Johnson is up to his neck in it.
Fuck trumpkins.
Great publicity for Joe, these morons are easily dealt with using a police escort or even a private security one. Roofing nails dispensed from the rear window of the bus work too, if you have vehicles on the side blocking and keeping them behind you! :lol:

The desperate act of losers being hung out to dry by Donald, I hear Don Jr. might have been behind it. Joe's go lot's of cash he should blitz Texas with visits and $10 million in get out the vote cash and ads. There has been a lot of early voting in Texas, but there are certain voting blocks that can still be moved to the polls. It's a tossup in Texas right now and it could even break big for the democrats when the dust settles. This means control of the state house too with voting rules and redistricting on the line as well, there is also a senate seat with in reach.