Help! Am i done here? Should i just harvest??


Should I harvest??? These girls were grown from seed outdoor in nj starting in May . Temps dropped below 30F last week so I brought them in. I know they must be going through crazy stress- one plant has been foxtailing for a minute now but I think that's because my dumbass has these two under a halogen lamp. (Yikes-I kno)

But I placed an order today for everything I need to grow indoors- including 2 led lights. So again, my question is- do you think they'll survive until the shipment eventually comes? Would it even be worth it or should I just CUT my losses at this point?? Any help is greatly appreciated



Well-Known Member
Well it doesn’t appear to be much there. So flip a coin heads you smoke it all. Tails you cut it down. Good luck.


No not at all- I did everything wrong- this was my first grow by myself. The only semi- anything that I did was water with pH- corrected river water.

I can't wait for my shipments to arrive and get my lil indoor grow really going, so I'm thinking it might be best to scrap these and just start over? The other option is that I could amend then once my supplies come in then put them into an actual tent on a true 12-12 cycle. I just can't make a decision...