Biden won

Liberals don't spend much time on useless counter productive emotions, there are lives to be saved and pressing problems to be solved. Every word and action, both tactical and strategic, should have the ultimate goal of survival foremost in mind. The objective is to win the peace here, not a war, you do that like the allies did at the end of the second world war, you make allies out of enemies with kindness, justice and addressing real grievances, not imagined ones.

You also wrestle control of the media space and insist the truth is a basic human right too, as well as being essential to a modern functioning democracy. The press is protected under the constitution, is a profession and journalism an academic study, disinformation and propaganda are an attack on this vital institution, both from with in and by foreign actors, all enemies foreign and domestic remember.

we have an agreed to we'll see if the deal is kept.
Interesting how the word "Socialist" gets bandied around. In the US it seems to be almost akin to Communist and used to scare people. There are different degrees of Socialism, just like any political ideology. The Scandinavian countries like Denmark have a degree of Socialism and they're doing just fine.
I think what's really happening is the rich/powerful have painted Socialism to be dangerous, when in fact a moderate amount of Socialism would work well if it were allowed to happen. The rich/powerful just don't want it because it's in many ways about fairness, and those people don't want fairness, they want to carry on in the same old way, making the system work for them instead of the people.

correct and then when you have a moderate democrat who's half in/half out of her seat making proclamations she doesn't seem to understand?

we've had enough of Hillary-type driving wedge issues like a word that has many different meanings depending on context and adverbage..a deal has been struck some of us are sticking around to remind them; the first sign of dissent was called out and will continue to be.
Interesting how the word "Socialist" gets bandied around. In the US it seems to be almost akin to Communist and used to scare people. There are different degrees of Socialism, just like any political ideology. The Scandinavian countries like Denmark have a degree of Socialism and they're doing just fine.
I think what's really happening is the rich/powerful have painted Socialism to be dangerous, when in fact a moderate amount of Socialism would work well if it were allowed to happen. The rich/powerful just don't want it because it's in many ways about fairness, and those people don't want fairness, they want to carry on in the same old way, making the system work for them instead of the people.
I sometimes like to remind my American friends and family that the US is a socialist country too.
I would say any country with a just society will have some amount of socialism. It’s not a bad thing.
I stutter
I’m all for social security. I paid into it I want it back. I could’ve made more money with it I guarantee.
I don’t think the millionaire up the street should get it. It’s SOCIAL security.
Idk I’m stoned.
Social security wasn’t meant to last imo, but it did.
I’m not one to lay the law for sure. My view is quite askewed :eyesmoke:
I stutter
I’m all for social security. I paid into it I want it back. I could’ve made more money with it I guarantee.
I don’t think the millionaire up the street should get it. It’s SOCIAL security.
Idk I’m stoned.
Social security wasn’t meant to last imo, but it did.
I’m not one to lay the law for sure. My view is quite askewed :eyesmoke:

Income tax wasn’t meant to last either.

For what it’s worth, I’m really stoned too.