Cal mag for autos


Well-Known Member
So my one auto looks like he's having magnesium problems. So I just ordered cal mag, so how do you use this with autos? I know autos are sensitive, so how much should I put in a gallon of water?


Well-Known Member
So my one auto looks like he's having magnesium problems. So I just ordered cal mag, so how do you use this with autos? I know autos are sensitive, so how much should I put in a gallon of water?
Should say on the bottle. I typically use 1 tsp per gallon of water. What type of water are you using? And it doesn’t matter whether you’re growing autos or photos to use calmag.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4737447
Should say on the bottle. I typically use 1 tsp per gallon of water. What type of water are you using? And it doesn’t matter whether you’re growing autos or photos to use calmag.
Are you positive? I know for nutrients it needs to be 1/4-1/2 the dose. Is it safe to mix in the that dose with my nute water that I give to the rest of the girls, or do I only give cal mag to the one that has the deficiency? I will have to take pics then. My other three have some nutrient issues, but not nearly as bad. Like I said will have to show pics of all of them.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4737447

Are you positive? I know for nutrients it needs to be 1/4-1/2 the dose. Is it safe to mix in the that dose with my nute water that I give to the rest of the girls, or do I only give cal mag to the one that has the deficiency? I will have to take pics then. My other three have some nutrient issues, but not nearly as bad. Like I said will have to show pics of all of them.
Are you growing in coco? If so I understand the dosing. If not, I’m not entirely sure why you use the strength you do. Some Nutes are hot like Fox Farms Trio for example, I myself use half strength, but it has nothing to do with it being an auto or photo. And I don’t mix my mag with my nutrients, I use mag on my water only days.


Well-Known Member
I give full dose of cal-mag with 1/4 strength nutes for autos. I have very soft water and found lowering the CM dose caused deficiency.

Watch out for any extras in the CM though. Some brands contain N which will mess up your dosing if you don't account for it.


Well-Known Member
Should say on the bottle. I typically use 1 tsp per gallon of water. What type of water are you using? And it doesn’t matter whether you’re growing autos or photos to use calmag.
I just dont want to od them
Are you growing in coco? If so I understand the dosing. If not, I’m not entirely sure why you use the strength you do. Some Nutes are hot like Fox Farms Trio for example, I myself use half strength, but it has nothing to do with it being an auto or photo. And I don’t mix my mag with my nutrients, I use mag on my water only days.
Autos you will burn with high nutes


Well-Known Member
I give full dose of cal-mag with 1/4 strength nutes for autos. I have very soft water and found lowering the CM dose caused deficiency.

Watch out for any extras in the CM though. Some brands contain N which will mess up your dosing if you don't account for it.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Treating magnesium def is use Epsom salts. Calmag has higher quantities of cal to mag which can antagonise magnesium.

also before u do any of these things make sure your pH is in check.