Hey hows it going. I just use a 5 gallon bucket, couple gallons of water, and a couple cheap air stones. Mix in my ammendments and a teaspoon of molasses, and let it run for 24 hours. Got stones and a pump super cheap off Amazon.
But to be honest, lately I've just been top dressing and watering in, or mixing it into a gallon jug and shaking it up for a minute before watering. I use a watering can that has a 1/2" opening at the end, so I don't have to worry about it clogging.
If I notice a deficiency that I want to correct quickly, then I'll make a tea. Seems like it would help break down and distribute the ammendments a little quicker. Im still new to all this, and learning everyday. Check out the organics section, tons of good info there. Good luck growing!!