What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Baby Trump’s statement after Biden win :

'We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don't want the truth to be exposed,' the statement said.

'The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media.'

( yeah .... ok )

Now shut the fuck up loser.


Well-Known Member
Wow ... the world is responding like it was New Year’s Eve .... LOL.

Old orange bastard must be livid at the attention and jubilation this has brought. I still suggest locking up Lincoln era silverware and presidential bed sheets. Grifters take what grifters take.

Looking for a proper song for end of “ Trumpargedon “

ELO never disappoints. Can’t wait to see them again on tour , It was great a couple years ago.

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Well-Known Member
Well ... seems like the loser patrol still tries to claim victory in “ something... anything “.

Puppet Pence tried to add some Trump shine to Pfzier vaccine news EXCEPT company never were part of operation Warp Speed - so they quickly shut pence / trump claim down.

Time for the losers to pack up and GTFOH.



Well-Known Member
Esper out.
Another act of cowardice, desertion of his post, he should have made Trump fire him and show cause and publicly freak out on the way out with TV interviews. I would have recorded every call and meeting I had with the fucker, fuck presidential confidentiality, let him send the fucking G men after me, it will be fun in court and crowd funded too. Biden Pardon forth coming if required.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
This is the part that I am worried about.
View attachment 4738061

You combine this:

With this:

And this is what started the actual rioting.
I think Donald wants to use the insurrection act, Mitch would shit a brick and the house dungeon would fill immediately as inherent powers land like a thunder clap. Everybody has Georgia on their minds as the song goes.
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Well-Known Member
This is the part that I am worried about.
View attachment 4738061

You combine this:

With this:

And this is what started the actual rioting.
Donald just needs to run the idea of the insurrection act by the base at his rallies and get them pumped with lock Joe up chants and such. It will be a feedback loop, they will gain the right and permission to do it from each other, a symbiosis. Donald will feel support for the idea in his "gut" after a few rallies...


Well-Known Member
This is the part that I am worried about.
View attachment 4738061

You combine this:

With this:

And this is what started the actual rioting.
I think the WH journalist association should create and give out awards to Trumps press secretaries and flacks. Call it the "Flying Monkey" award for personal humiliation in service of a moron. Make a big event out of it complete with gold trophies. Also include it with the liar of the day/week/ month and year awards. Pence will always win the best bald face liar award, it's hard to beat experience and talent like that.


Well-Known Member
cat fights and hissy fits..

That was wonderful. Ivanka tries to steal the spotlight by proclaiming how her daddy "helped Pfizer develop this virus quickly". The company said in response that they decided to reject funding for their research to avoid Trump's meddling getting in the way of their work.

"All the investments for R&D was made by Pfizer at risk. Dr. Jansen was emphasizing that last point," the spokesperson explained.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said in September that the company had declined R&D funding to "liberate" scientists from bureaucratic limitations.

"At the end of the day, it's only money. That will not break the company, although it is going to be painful because we are investing one billion and a half, at least, in COVID right now," Bourla previously told CBS News. "But the reason why I did it was because I wanted to liberate our scientists from any bureaucracy."
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Cuomo: Here’s what a president’s supposed to say in a pandemic

CNN’s Chris Cuomo reacts to President-elect Joe Biden's remarks while addressing reporters after receiving a coronavirus briefing with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.