Random Jabber Jibber thread


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You too.......
Texas Cops Engage In Millions Of Roadside Searches, Find Nothing Illegal 80 Percent Of The Time
we've heard chatter bout that.......luckly I don't go far from the roost as it were.....

they're are some way to get around that......just don't want to atagonize the situation more than it is.....


Well-Known Member
@tyler.durden I've been catching a few of Harry Mack's vids. I though this collaboration he did with mahhairy was sick

Fuck yeah, dude. Once you catch the Harry bug, you start consuming all his content. That was dope! At the end of the latest Omegle Bars, he gets down with the Ohio Beatbox Champion, who also goes nuts when he recognizes who he's chatting with...



Well-Known Member
I watch a lot of UFC these days. All of it, really. It satisfies a primal part of me, martial arts have been a large part of my life. But I watched a Griffin fight last weekend that was WAY overkill, even for my blood lust. Griffin punched this dude in the ear so hard, the ear just came off. Gory af. It was just hanging on by a tiny ribbon of flesh, and the the amount of blood was horrific. I was going to post a YT vid, but you can go watch it yourself if you're curious. This sport is no joke...