starting small to see whats hapnin


Well-Known Member
LMAO..i was dying when i thought of it..i came back from home dicko's with just a roll of tape and guerilla glue,but nothing for my op..and that was sitting in my face and just neatly placed it on top out of pure frustration....the side has better holes..i would try and cut the side to use,but dont know what i can use to like level it over the plants...i topped my plants like u said dude and where i clipped the tip started to turn dark in that normal??


Well-Known Member
damn your everywhere..i was just bout to write my problems with my grow for today lol..i think i have a bacteria roots at the top by cup are dark in color but all new growth is pure white

p.s. the 2nd pic is a pic of white foam in res. thats what people are saying is signs of bacteria prob.



Well-Known Member
Everybody's got to start​

You may need to clip off the sides so you have access to the plant, and run some string so the holes are no so big...​

I am still laughing dude, I'm sorry... it's very creative... +rep...​

Keep it up!!!​


I love it!!!:hump: I saw that and I am still in here laughing:clap:----------and shit, it's giving me ideas:mrgreen:
Right On, paperfetti!! Great Luck and +rep!!



Well-Known Member
i think i have a bacteria roots at the top by cup are dark in color but all new growth is pure white

p.s. the 2nd pic is a pic of white foam in res. thats what people are saying is signs of bacteria prob.
What nutes are you using?? and do you use h2o2 and what's the temp in there?


Well-Known Member
Hi bud! Great job so far! I would do a good cleaning of your tank and use peroxide to kill any germs. Get 3% and dilute it a bit for cleaning and swabbing down the tank really good.

You should also consider after you get tank and airstones all cleaned up go back with just straight PH water at 5.7 and a little H202 for like a day (to flush the plants and kill any bad guys floating around in there on your roots causing trouble. There is a 8 step method you are can follow for step by step details) and then drain tank again , flush and clean tank again with h202 then fill it back up with your normal nuts blend.

Did you not like the SH nuts (just curious as Im gonna be trying them soon)? I just ordered the high end kit for growing bubbleponic with HID lights. I use 2 400w lights. One is a MH buld and the other is HPS bulb.

I really havent had a chance to try the regular SH nutes. Did you use the SH stuff at all and if so what strenght did you use it at and how old were your plants and size at the time?

Also, what I was told by the SH guys is when doing seeds in a Bubbleponic, its better to leave the plastic on that comes with the RW cubes. You wanna place the water feed tube directly UNDER the RW cube which should sit on some hydroton rocks about 1/2 to 3/4 inch to a inch dpending size of your net pots. COme in almost at the bottom with your water feed tube through the net pot and make sure the water feed tube is touching the bottom on the RW cube. This way the RW cube doesnt get soked and stays together nice and neat. Also, this forces the roots to grow down!

YOu started off with ALOT of stuff for the first time! YOu really came along way really fast and just dove right in! I like that but I was gonna suggest start off simple for the first time but its a little late for that now ..LOL you ass deep in it now brow...clones, seedlings, cuttings, soil plant..jeez mang!

Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
damn your everywhere..i was just bout to write my problems with my grow for today lol..i think i have a bacteria roots at the top by cup are dark in color but all new growth is pure white

p.s. the 2nd pic is a pic of white foam in res. thats what people are saying is signs of bacteria prob.


Hey man..have any luck getting this problem taken care of?? If not I am more than willing to help..Keep us updated...watching you here!!


Well-Known Member
well im using FF grow big and the temps are low 74 high 83
I meant your res temp, sorry...... When I had had root problems, similar to your, it was from too high of temps.......I think you want to keep it under 70 for sure, in fact I believe optimum is between 62 and 66degrees with a regular nute load. My experience so far is that I cant keep it under 70ish and now I am experiencing great root growth using about 66% nute load. I am using GH's Flora Series in a dwc and CannaAqua series in an flood/drain table.

Are you happy with FF Grow Big so far?? When I was in soil Fox Farm was the only nutes I ever used and I loved them. Now they have the Big Bloom for Hydro. The reason I had quit using them was that I wasn't going to put that brown sandy mud(regular Big Bloom) in my hydro and clog everything up........
What ever you do, get some good h2o2 in there!:blsmoke:

Hope it all worked out good for you!:hump:


Well-Known Member
mannn,things are falling so scared right now...for starters,i have DEAD gnats in my grow tent (literally dead on the floor of the grow tent) and i have some that looks like there eating my roots inside plant tank..i went to hydro shop and brought predatory nematodes,but i think i put too much water or something to activate them cuz i see more inside plant tank than going to use the SECOND half of the spounge the predators are on going to be pissed if these arent fungis gnats even though predators eat over 200 diff. insects...PLEASE WEED GODS IF YOUR LISTENING...HEELLPPPP!!!!


Well-Known Member
i would definetely suggest the h202 thing what is goin wrong paperfetti root rot and bugs and shit if you zap em with some h202 or even some neem oil mixed up i use that in my reservoir and i killed these fungus gnat larvae i just mixed up my neem oil same as i use for spider mites and sprayed in my reservoir i do think too high rez temp may encourage those buggers to gro tho so i am gonna turn my fishtank heater down some

good luck


Well-Known Member
ive been h202'ing up over plants are now 5 weeks and still no signs of preflowers..i was reading up on the fungis gnats and they say they stunt growth so upset mannn,ive been smokin and smokin..i hope these worms will came in 2 halfs and i dont think the 1st half i applied worked,so back to the hydro store i go
p.s. im also going to take my 2 week seedling and set up a mother plantbeing that the 5 weeks are taking all my light and i put a light right in front of seedling (couldnt place directly over) and its stretching for the light and leaning over


Well-Known Member
i still cant figure out how neem oil is gonna work in res. tank against larvae worms that are literall on your roots,once again what do i know


Well-Known Member
yea the neem oil thing is somethin new i am tryin but it seems to have zapped em good i have a ebb and flo system so maybe it would work diff anyway i have always wanted to try predatory insects tho there any type of foul smell ? oh yea and you got some recent pics i am interested how big those babies are .....also i often get stunted growth and it seems to be somethin i am gettin better at avoiding i think from just more attention i am payin to nute strength good luck tho bro


Well-Known Member
hey hows it goin shit sorry bout the trouble you having i know how it is for sure... have you started bloom cycle yet? here are a couple of updated pics of those bucket units and my ebb and flo tables ...oh by the way i experimented with some molasses and got some pretty bad results ... i got a slimy film that i had to skim off the top of my rez and i might have to change out water completely good luck on your grow



Well-Known Member
thanx peace..i hope i can get through this bullshit..i mean i hear and read bud plants are some very tuff plants to kill so im hoping im good,but them damn worms i brought take too long for me to feel comfortable..the larvae (worms) are up close to the hydro store dont have imma get some mosquito dunks or some shit like it..wish me luck im going in tomm. probably buy every pesticide/germicide/homocide item they have..thats a noob for ya


Well-Known Member
hey hows it goin shit sorry bout the trouble you having i know how it is for sure... have you started bloom cycle yet? here are a couple of updated pics of those bucket units and my ebb and flo tables ...oh by the way i experimented with some molasses and got some pretty bad results ... i got a slimy film that i had to skim off the top of my rez and i might have to change out water completely good luck on your grow
yeah doc..i thought i would be going into flowering about now (5 weeks),but i also thought i would be able to sex them BEFORE i blast them with hps??