Seven Sisters

U use jacks bro? I thaigh u was a mc user?

Damn nice garden for such low wattage man amazing love the info
Yes. Using Jacks.

Was an MC 1part user.
Their new 2part is almost an exact copy of Jacks. Never used it.
I tried Jacks with my current grow, but felt like I struggled with it from seedling to early veg. I couldn't figure it out and I eventually quit using it and went back to MC 1 part.

I heard there's this fantastic nutrient spreadsheet calculator out there. One of these days I'm going to have to sit down and figure out what I'm really doing. :confused:

Your plants look amazing regardless of what you are feeding them!
I tried Jacks with my current grow, but felt like I struggled with it from seedling to early veg. I couldn't figure it out and I eventually quit using it and went back to MC 1 part.

I heard there's this fantastic nutrient spreadsheet calculator out there. One of these days I'm going to have to sit down and figure out what I'm really doing. :confused:

Your plants look amazing regardless of what you are feeding them!
Wow yet most peeps jave probs on 1 part which is why mc got bad name. Glad u got somthin tht works for ya buddy.

Am goin nuts lol
What kinda camera you using?
I've been wanting to figure out a time lapse setup, side note.
It's just a REOLINK wifi cam.
Not good for REAL time lapse. I have to take pictures manually. There may be apps that can automate it.

I bought one of these for just that purpose.
Doh. It's still in the box.

OH yeah. You can also use an old cell phone, with no cell service. Just connected to your WIFI - no wifi needed after apps installed.
Run apps to have the cell phone take pics, time lapse.
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