Think I've got a Hermie Auto


Well-Known Member
19 day old auto found one small pollen sac on stem everywhere else looks fine. First time running into this issue, what's the chances of cutting it off and all being well? I'm not able to grow the plant anywhere else than in the tent with the others. It would be shame to give it the kill shot as it's my best grower :wall:


Well-Known Member
1st off it's impossible for you to determine a hermie, or sex for that matter at 19 days, they have to be in bloom.
2nd point, hermies are extremely rare, they are genitic usually so the seed would have to come from a hermie mom, also very rare
Relax my friend, you have no issues
Happy growing/good luck :)


Well-Known Member
Remove it and keep an eye. I've grown 100's of autos. Probably like 10 times I have had male parts suddenly grow and they will stay on lower 1/3 of plant 90%+ of the time. It started right after the plant being under stress. Just remove it. I've even had a plant that kept growing male parts for 2 weeks, then just stopped when I kept rip'n his balls off. He then swung back to female :lol:

Then they all flowered lovely. Once I had 20 odd seeds on an auto. Flowered them all out an got no hermies. Every seed was female too. Funny old things autos


Well-Known Member
Remove it and keep an eye. I've grown 100's of autos. Probably like 10 times I have had male parts suddenly grow and they will stay on lower 1/3 of plant 90%+ of the time. It started right after the plant being under stress. Just remove it. I've even had a plant that kept growing male parts for 2 weeks, then just stopped when I kept rip'n his balls off. He then swung back to female :lol:

Then they all flowered lovely. Once I had 20 odd seeds on an auto. Flowered them all out an got no hermies. Every seed was female too. Funny old things autos
I've properly looked over the plant it's literally that one on the stem only everywhere else is tiny calyxes with pistils. I'm going to cut it off and keep checking it for now hopefully it's just that one that's growing and no more will appear "I hope"