Bud Rot Help


Active Member
Scoured forums and internet. Everyone and their mom just says smoking mold is bad for you yes we all know this. But I can’t find a damn answer on whether the rest unaffected buds are ok? Plenty of people have asked but it’s like the conversation stops there on multiple threads. Help please
Have a few tops got some botrytis bud colas. But I see nothing in any other buds besides like the top 3 buds per plant


Active Member
Thanks you I was on those lines but I’ll be damned if I haven’t spent since like 9am today trying to get a solid answer


Well-Known Member
There's probably some amount of mold or mold spores on those buds too but if you can't see or smell it I can't imagine it would be enough to hurt you.


Well-Known Member
When you cut out the bud rot take way more than just what's rotted and toss it. Keep an eye on it while drying. You might not notice anything on the outside but it could be moldy on the inside along the stem. When I've encountered a few patches of bud rot a couple inches down on a cola I'll chop 6 inches off and toss it. I don't care if there isn't any noticeable mold.

After you've dried your plants scope the buds closely. Sometimes you'll find mold that looks like fine white hairs. Toss that crap if you find it. And it goes without saying that you'll want to skip curing your weed and make sure it's dry before jarring it. Plants that have bud rot on one spot are going to have spores all over.


Active Member
Ok so most of the tops had the white spider web looking stuff inside the nugs. Some of them had started to turn color but not all mainly just seeing the white stuff. I just scrapped the whole and nug below it to trash. All the other nugs look fine smel just like they should. They are a bit dry already I’m trimming them up now.



Active Member
Usually the large colas get hit the worst, the rest is usually unaffected.
Thanks I’m totally ok tossing these few tops I’m finding it in as it was a full 4x8 tray with 16 plants plenty of other buds. But no answers on whether the rest is good or not. Thank you for your response


Well-Known Member
That "spider web" looking stuff is botrytis (mold). It's won't kill you, it does not produce any aflatoxins but it is caused by excessing RH% during later flower.


Well-Known Member
Thanks I’m totally ok tossing these few tops I’m finding it in as it was a full 4x8 tray with 16 plants plenty of other buds. But no answers on whether the rest is good or not. Thank you for your response
I figured it was outdoor.. That is when i get it, add some fans and do some defoliating next time. What strain?


Active Member
I figured it was outdoor.. That is when i get it, add some fans and do some defoliating next time. What strain?
Airflow during grow was adequate it was the dry I’m more than positive. Bad weather didn’t help. Orange Velvet Underground definitely high leaf to calyx ratio. Like really high. More than likely dead leaves curled up .


Active Member
When you cut out the bud rot take way more than just what's rotted and toss it. Keep an eye on it while drying. You might not notice anything on the outside but it could be moldy on the inside along the stem. When I've encountered a few patches of bud rot a couple inches down on a cola I'll chop 6 inches off and toss it. I don't care if there isn't any noticeable mold.

After you've dried your plants scope the buds closely. Sometimes you'll find mold that looks like fine white hairs. Toss that crap if you find it. And it goes without saying that you'll want to skip curing your weed and make sure it's dry before jarring it. Plants that have bud rot on one spot are going to have spores all over.
So now that I have it trimmed up it feels pretty dry smells good. How long to leave out drying before bagging or jarring?


Well-Known Member
The handful of times I got it I just cut away the discolored parts, sprayed with peroxide and dried. It took care of the problem and I smoked with no issues. If you're really concerned you could use the salvaged bud for wax or butter though.


Active Member
So I basically just finished trimming and prying each nug open thru about 2lbs. Probably 6-8 ozs lost. Mainly all the top nugs and a few lowers close. I just chunked the nug completely rather than cut it out. End of the day looking like 1.5 good stuff lowers no visible signs of mold or any discoloration. All smells fine the same. Judging from what I’ve read considering it’s mainly a few spots with the white stuff inside the buds. This would indicate I caught it early correct,?