Aussie Growers Thread

Did you know that in Australia we have exctincted more plants and animals, across a larger surface area, ijn a shorter time, with less people, than any other civilization in history. And there are no large land masses left to find so nobody can take that title away from us woohoo go us. Always good to be on top ayyyyyyy

I mean this is an Aussie growers thread right? You guys all seen the news right? You know, the murdering children and shit right? Anyt LNP voters here?
Did you know that in Australia we have exctincted more plants and animals, across a larger surface area, ijn a shorter time, with less people, than any other civilization in history. And there are no large land masses left to find so nobody can take that title away from us woohoo go us. Always good to be on top ayyyyyyy

I mean this is an Aussie growers thread right? You guys all seen the news right? You know, the murdering children and shit right? Anyt LNP voters here?
In all honesty I think we need to be fair and share that title with our British forefathers, like the saying goes "we're all standing on the shoulders of those that came before us " and they set a mighty fine example that we have done our best at outdoing.
Us Aussie battlers may be a bunch of barely litterate drunks but there's not many other countries that can out do us when it comes to murdering our countries native animals and peoples. Makes me wish I had a cool southern cross and Aussie pride tattoo.
In all honesty I think we need to be fair and share that title with our British forefathers, like the saying goes "we're all standing on the shoulders of those that came before us " and they set a mighty fine example that we have done our best at outdoing.
Us Aussie battlers may be a bunch of barely litterate drunks but there's not many other countries that can out do us when it comes to murdering our countries native animals and peoples. Makes me wish I had a cool southern cross and Aussie pride tattoo.

I stand corrected. I just assumed that we all agreed that the Poms were in a league unto their own when it came to depravity...but then I read the Brereton report...and went to Dubbo??!!??
Maybe this thread needs a name change, I vote for 'Semi retarded, mostly riddled with multiple cancers and probably STI's but also lacking any self awareness whatsoever, provincial Pommy, 45th generation Roman, throw in a few boat load of crims growers thread'

Kinda rolls of the tongue what you reckon?
Im more dirty over Howard amalgamating the pension fund into general revenue to create his surplus. Blindly following America into illegal wars is the norm.
Iraq was a horrible clusterfuck but I think America was well within their rights going after Bin Laden and his Taliban buddies.
We need to remember that Iran should shoulder some of the blame for the blood bath that happened in post war Iraq. The U.K, France and their Skyes - Piquot agreement after WW1 is also to blame for not only what happened in Iraq but also all the conflicts in the Middle East. Add into the pot Saudi Arabia, Isreal, Russia and the fascist Turks and it was only a matter of time before everything turned to shit. Religion + greed is the perfect equation for mass murder it seems.
Except in the case of the Iraq war the political agenda was greed specifically oil. Was funny how the US cared less about Iraq when they started producing decent amounts of oil out of Alaskan oil sand beds which when combined with their other producing states like Texas made them a net exporter not a net importer.
Except in the case of the Iraq war the political agenda was greed specifically oil. Was funny how the US cared less about Iraq when they started producing decent amounts of oil out of Alaskan oil sand beds which when combined with their other producing states like Texas made them a net exporter not a net importer.

Modern day map of Iraq.
Iraq oil.jpg

US only went into Afghanistan as the Taliban reneged on the oil pipeline deal. Now the US has its Pipeline deal they are getting out as fast as they can. Fk the Afghani people.

did some trimming in the tent last night and rotated the plants.
Looks like the 2nd round of clones will finish a week or two faster than 1st round of clones ? Is this a thing or just an environmental difference as its a warmer part of year?