what happens when you wait too long to harvest?


Well-Known Member
Jesus fuck. Dogpile on the new guy. This place is toxic as shit. Bye.
Hey bro I know how you feel but in all sincerity try n tough it out, ive got som answers like that too, I kinda know my shit ive been growing science 2011 but at times when a well known member tells you something you don’t want to hear you just gotta suck it up and explain to them what your doing, and try and justify your actions while being an ass kisser. I aint one my self but that’s how things roll around here, ive been in your place aswell. You’ll get some good answers around here just try in keep it chill.


Well-Known Member
BTW those buds look pretty small but they may be ready, you never said what kinda grow style you’re using how big your plants are or anything like that. This is a forum though and people will bash on you hard for answering like that