Pacific seedbank?

All are still vegging.

I had a TW Arcata E52 clone years ago. The only resemblance so far are 13 leaflets.
All are still vegging.

I had a TW Arcata E52 clone years ago. The only resemblance so far are 13 leaflets.
Ya kinda where im at to grow junk seeds for 5 months when i can buy good seeds for 10$/per if i was earlier on before i realized plus took 4 weeks to get seedsman order so im pretty committed now so ill play it out but i started some seedsman ones so ive got back up coming i will be pissed if the weed is junk. Seed delivery times etc dont matter to me what matters is did i just waste 5 months growing crap haha.
Yeah, I was really ticked with them. I didn't receive my order for 9 weeks. And honestly the seeds don't look right, so I stuck them into the freezer and ordered from this website:

Got much better service, got my order in the mail under 2 weeks. The BubbleGum seeds I ordered, only one out of five germinated, told them about it, They asked me to call them, and they sent me 4 replacement seeds. I think the quality is much better and at least they don't ignore you when you contact them. These seeds aren't cheap. I know what you mean about the breeders. I was looking for the original White widow seeds from the GreenHouse breeders who were the original breeders, but couldn't find any. I grew that original strain once, it was really good, really resistant to mold, tasted like lemon, short plants but all one big 2 1/2 foot bud, lol. Wheel chair weed, really good for sleeping and chilling out. The White Widow they sell online is not from the original strain, kinda looks the same, big buds, but doesn't taste like lemon and the buzz is not as calming.

I think many of these vendors simply breed males and females themselves and the original strain, the flavor, and effects are not the same. It's not hard to make seeds, but they charge original breeder prices for seeds that are not really the same.

I know what you mean, Pacific Seeds sucks, they're a bunch of con artists, might as well kiss your money goodbye and get some good seeds. The stuff they sent me 9 weeks after I paid, When I contacted them by email, they completely ignored me. After waiting for weeks I finally got a reply, I asked for a refund, they refused. Then a week later I got these seeds in the male, they looked like really small mature seeds, total garbage. These guys can't be trusted, wasted $200.
I meant to say that the seeds looked really immature and small. Growing weed in Canada has become popular, these guys are cashing in, they can't keep-up, no service, bad seeds, just a bunch of con artists. Don't waste your money on these crooks.
Totally agree 10$ For 1 lb? Get good seeds delivery time is important but really you should have 6 extra strains ready to go in seeds or clones so 1 month doesnt matter then. I learned my lesson but wait i havent finished yet so quality is still undermined i guess time will tell. 692F5A11-2E13-4025-90F2-E1224A276CCA.jpeg AFE26749-6A78-4906-83EF-099DCF8C2206.jpegDD39BACF-4C09-47AF-A4C9-25C1AF4B2478.jpeg
Looks good, Ill post some picks of mine later. Last time I grew in Mississauga, ended-up with more weed I knew what to do with. My favorite is a pure sativa strain, Hawaiin. I was too cheap to buy the feminized seeds. I was just starting out, I ended-up with one male and one female, thousands of seeds, I lugged them around, kept in my freezer for about 15 years. I bought them from Mark Emery in Vancouver. I visited is store before he was aprehended by the US authorities, he spent a bit of time in prison, that was right around when the Canadian government made the sale of marijuana growing books. I t was har to get information back then, it was illegal, easy to get paranoid. You're doing something illegal and if you're smart in a situation like that, you dont want people (anyone) to know what you're doing. If you don't get busted by the cops or your landlord, people will steal it from you. I experimented a lot before I learned how to grow it. This time I'm growing in Quebec City, big difference, a lot more humidity and using lights that dont produce as much heat as HPS or Metal Halide. Learning about mold issues, my solid Promix was infested with fungus gnats, managed to get rid of them, but the cold humid air and overcrowding, got a bit of mold issues. Dealing with that, by drying the air, increased air circulation, reduced moisture, trimmed affected parts, removed one plant that didn't seem healthy, supposedly a White Widow, this particular one was not very resistant to mold, like the original strain. When i grew the original strain, I never even trimmed it, it just evolved vigorously into these huge giant solid buds. The seeds grew fast and the plants were easy to care for, it was a beautiful things. I'm growing the Bubblegum strain this time, susceptible to bud rot, while I'm living in Quebec City with high humidity (100%) air. So, I made some changes, hope I get something out of it. The plants took a beating when I treated them with DE (Diatomaceous earth ) and Neem oil sprays and soil soak. The plants survived it, but it set me back and now I gotta deal with this mold, lol. Now that they are starting to flower, I don't really want to damage them with mold treatments, maybe systemic soil drench, but I think the changes I made will work. I like to treat them with melasses, it is antifungal, full of trace minerals, vitamin B, and a bit of naturally concurring sulfur, not the type treated with sulfur, but untreated pure molasses naturally contains sulfur whitch is an anti-fungal.

I'll post some picks of mine later, yours look good, healthy.

I'll post pics next time I open the tent, just finished cleaning it, trimming, adjusting air flow. The last time I grew I had better seeds and, different lights, low humidity, strains that were resistant to mold.
So i ordered from pacific purple kush, girl scout cookies, amnesia, and purple haze. Everything germinated but i have a ultimate germinator setup cause i germinate garden veg too never had a seed not germinate. Purple kush was the runtiest plants i have ever grown its in back round no toppings not like other 2 in front and thats me foliar feeding it constantly. neighbor did 1 after 6 weeks i threw them out hes still trying but its absolutly the worst genetics ive seen. Amnesia is a very fast grower reminds me of jack herer 2 weeks into flower. Purple haze is purple looking also 2 weeks in i will update on the actual finished product. Girl scouts still in veg. Tbh very disappointed i ordered from them i did a reorder from seedsman got 4 diff varieties of free seeds plus mine and it was 20$ cheaper ffs and like real! Packaging not “orginal harvest” repacks zip lock bags. I guess we’ll see if i wasted my time so sad i never read this first. View attachment 4754796View attachment 4754801
Sorry bro fuck Pacific seed bank
If i was you id grab something else for a backup plan
Ya i got seedsman blimblum seed grandaddy purp going and green crack from seedsman im not holding my breath i still have enough weed for 5 years from my last 2 plants so this is really just to give away to friends i just like growing gets me through the winters.
Yeah, I was really ticked with them. I didn't receive my order for 9 weeks. And honestly the seeds don't look right, so I stuck them into the freezer and ordered from this website: https://www.cropkingseeds

I know what you mean, Pacific Seeds sucks, they're a bunch of con artists, might as well kiss your money goodbye and get some good seeds.

Do they suck or do the individual sources of their seeds suck? I got an order earlier this year from Pacific. The seeds were not disguised, actually rattling around inside the little plastic containers inside a paper envelope. Not exactly discreet. I'm not in a green state. Bruce Banner Autoflower from Advanced Genetics were garbage genetics. Slow-growing, oddly mutated growth, weird leaves, etc. Two would not develop beyond cotyledons. I scrapped them. My three bonus seeds from Pacific? Blue Cheese Feminized from Original Harvest. I'm growing all three right now and one is an extremely strong plant. At three weeks of flowering it dwarfs the other four plants in the room and they all sprouted the same day. It's so strong I'm thinking about taking clones.

Want a great seed bank? BC Seed King in Vancouver. They do a limited number of strains and their genetics are legit. I've tried a number of their strains over the last 10 years. If you know what you're doing you'll have 100% germination every time. That indicates they're not selling old seeds. They do feminized seeds only. Their shipping is disguised.
Thanks, Pacific Seeds is a con job, those guys are ripping people off. The seeds they sent me didn't look like marijuana seeds, more like grape seeds, lol. Damn crooks!
I think they the source of their seeds is them, they grow the seeds themselves, so they tend to be weak, small and immature when theyre in a hurry. Total garbage if you ask me. So much goes into growing good weed, time, effort, money, risk, and lots of work. Don't waste your time and effort with seeds from these guys, seriously.
Here are my girls, I said I would post pics, so here they are. They should be a lot bigger, like I said the fight with the bugs, then the mold, took a toll on them, but I think it might workout or I might get something out of it yet, lol.

Sorry if the photos are a bit unclear, it's hard to take pics through the semi opened door of the tent, they stink too much to take them out, lol. While it is legal to grow four plants, the landlord wouldn't appreciate it, lol. Some of the pics are doubles and I snapped 3 of one of the pots with two plants in it.

So, I grew one HawaiinXHaze, and 3 Bubblegum plants two in one pot. I realize the pics aren't very good, but that's best I could do, lol.


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Got the seeds for those plants here:

Didn't use the Pacific seeds, they looked like grape seeds or really immature seeds (small), so I didn't want to waste my time.
Ya they look good on there only problem is 5 seeds at a time. I like growing new strains each plant i only grow 5 a year too hot in garage to grow in summer so i always grow new stuff.
Ya they look good on there only problem is 5 seeds at a time. I like growing new strains each plant i only grow 5 a year too hot in garage to grow in summer so i always grow new stuff.
The last time I grew weed was like 8 years ago. I ended up growing 2 lbs of cured bud. I still have some buried in a park in Mississauga, I doubt it's still good, but If I ever get around to going there, I'll be sure to dig it up, lol.

This time, the plants aren't growing as fast or as big. I think it's partly due to genetics and the bug problem, then the mold. It took a lot out of the plants, I might end-up with a few ounces if I'm lucky, lol.
The last time I grew weed was like 8 years ago. I ended up growing 2 lbs of cured bud. I still have some buried in a park in Mississauga, I doubt it's still good, but If I ever get around to going there, I'll be sure to dig it up, lol.

This time, the plants aren't growing as fast or as big. I think it's partly due to genetics and the bug problem, then the mold. It took a lot out of the plants, I might end-up with a few ounces if I'm lucky, lol.
Ya but ive had the worst looking plant be the best tasting and high so it isnt always bad. I went to hawaii on holidays and ph dropped to 4 this is what it looked like but absolutly every loves it completly destroys you but you can still function so i bet u get crazy good stuff. Bugs ive heard always helps the plant in quality not quantity as its fighting it producing resin and thc my buddy swears by it. 246E10EB-8A9C-4866-8531-A4BC8B48E53A.jpegAF7CABDF-EADB-4CAB-BE97-8F183B5416A6.jpeg
They look like they were burnt by too much fertilizer. I was trying to find pics of my grow from 8 years ago, but I can't find the pics lol. Mine don't look too bad, they're just really small, they say you can get a pound of bud from one Bubblegum plant, I don't think that's going to happen. When you have the right genetics, strong lights, good circulation, the right fertilizer, these plants turn into 6-foot trees in a couple of months, these little plants don't produce much. I don't if I'll get another chance to grow again anytime soon or if I'll get to finish this grow. I swear the best fertilizer when they have started flowering is raw untreated molasses.