You consider pinching? Its a tough plant, you can compress the stem and bend it into a sharp corner.. The pinching just helps prevent the stem from cracking when you bend it too harshly to call it LST..
Pot plants can be pretty tough.. Heres a natural scenario I witnessed years ago..
My dad's friend had some outdoor plants.. Mid way into the veg cycle, rabbits got at them.. They damaged the stalk enough to make some plants tip to the ground, but then moved on to the newer growth..
The guy was hardcore on letting nature do its own thing, and he just left them that way.. What ended up happening is nodules formed at the damaged stalk just like one would expect from super-cropping/pinching, and as an added bonus, 5 side shoots actually cloned and dug roots like a strawberry plant! He only started with 4 plants, and he pretty much ended up with 9 that were considerable shorter, but he figures yielded more.. Strong plants won't stall for too long with good pinching, whether or not its better in the long run to flip them back and get them ready without a time crunch depends on your growing patterns.. If I planned to have another crop ready right after this, I'd keep going, and make sure I was smarter next round, but if not I'd spend the extra time to revert, because if you were to pinch those nicely, not only would your height issue be solved, but your yield could skyrocket.. 5' indoors is only condusive to efficiency indoors in certain stadium grows..