Nitrogen nutes during flower?


Well-Known Member
My bad I totally typed that out wrong. I edited my post. If your Runoff PH is higher than your Feed PH then it means the plants are hungry. If the Runoff PH is lower than the Feed PH then it is less hungry.

This would make sense because I grow in Coco and my starting water from my RO Barrel is 6.3 PH and once I add nutrients I'm down to 5.8 PH almost on the button. So if the plants are sucking up all that food or the medium is then you'll have a higher runoff PH as the water is going back to original state.
I knew what you meant. My concern was if it’s that easy why wouldn’t everyone use it. And some people say to ignore runoff entirely.


Well-Known Member
I use Promix BX, and dont water until runoff, nor do I have holes in my containers. Watering Soil, especially if dense will get waterlogged.

If one has a smaller plant, and a good sized container, unless doing Coco/Hydro, youre asking for trouble soaking the plants until runoff. Unless its huge, and drinking water like crazy. I water 3.5 gallons water in a 20g Promix BX every 3.5 days with a huge flowering plant.. Not quite 20% amount of water vs gallons of soil. And thats a max amount, when the plant is eating, and drinking the most. 78f-84f temps. Fans/Breeze 24/7, even when lights out.

I believe many cut Fox Farm with 30%-40% Perlite?

If I do organic, I just use my own Sphagnum Moss, Veg/Bloom Peruvian Seabird Guano, Oyster Shells, Biochar, Clackamass Coot Compost, Crab Meal, Ascophyllum Nodosum/North Atlantic Seaweed, Azomite, Potassium Sulfate-0-0-52-Granular-2/3 Parts Calcitic Lime-1/3 Parts Dolomitic Lime. Perlite, Vermiculite. Can add some worms.

I try and shoot for a 19.5-20-39 mix, in soil, and teas, and when I mix teas, I dilute it to 20% Strength. Never use 0-0-52 in a Tea.

I mainly do Promix BX, and Hydro chemicals. Chem-Gro x Hydro Farms. 4-20-39
15.5-0-0 Calcium Nitrate
Epsom Salts
0-52-34 for Boom Boosting. 8 Weeks strains get a boost from 2.5 weeks in flowering-4th week.

Distilled/RO water usually first shows Neutral, but will settle at 5.5 5.8 after it hits the air for a bit. They absorb Carbon Dioxide out of the air.
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Well-Known Member
I use Promix BX, and dont water until runoff, nor do I have holes in my containers. Watering Soil, especially if dense will get waterlogged.

If one has a smaller plant, and a good sized container, unless doing Coco/Hydro, youre asking for trouble soaking the plants until runoff. Unless its huge, and drinking water like crazy. I water 3.5 gallons water in a 20g Promix BX every 3.5 days with a huge flowering plant.. Not quite 20% amount of water vs gallons of soil. And thats a max amount, when the plant is eating, and drinking the most. 78f-84f temps. Fans/Breeze 24/7, even when lights out.

I believe many cut Fox Farm with 30%-40% Perlite?

If I do organic, I just use my own Sphagnum Moss, Veg/Bloom Peruvian Seabird Guano, Oyster Shells, Biochar, Clackamass Coot Compost, Crab Meal, Ascophyllum Nodosum/North Atlantic Seaweed, Azomite, Potassium Sulfate-0-0-52-Granular-2/3 Parts Calcitic Lime-1/3 Parts Dolomitic Lime. Perlite, Vermiculite. Can add some worms.

I try and shoot for a 19.5-20-39 mix, in soil, and teas, and when I mix teas, I dilute it to 20% Strength. Never use 0-0-52 in a Tea.

I mainly do Promix BX, and Hydro chemicals. Chem-Gro x Hydro Farms. 4-20-39
15.5-0-0 Calcium Nitrate
Epsom Salts
0-52-34 for Boom Boosting. 8 Weeks strains get a boost from 2.5 weeks in flowering-4th week.

Distilled/RO water usually first shows Neutral, but will settle at 5.5 5.8 after it hits the air for a bit. They absorb Carbon Dioxide out of the air.
If I'm not mistaken ProMix BX is the most water retentive thing you could use except for water itself or Rice Hulls? I used ProMix HP and it was way too water retentive for my liking and grow style.

I've been growing in Coco for the past year now and haven't looked back. I like feeding daily and not ever seeing issues with over watering and also having extremely consistent results.

I run House & Garden nutrients and nothing else anymore. All the other products I've tried simply do not compete at all for price or concentration. It's clean as all hell especially if you use Drip Clean with it by H&G. You wont see salt buildup with it..

I know I could grow cheap with Jacks or something along those lines but I'm not a cheapwad I want good quality and less headaches.


Well-Known Member
I knew what you meant. My concern was if it’s that easy why wouldn’t everyone use it. And some people say to ignore runoff entirely.
Well you do need relatively expensive tools to accurately measure runoff PH & PPM. If you use a ebay or amazon pen and not a blue labs you can end up with varying results. Most people are just following the feed chart ml/gal or ml/liter and don't actually know what they're doing or why they're doing it other than just "feed for big buds".

I know people that have the means to go this in-depth but they'd rather just stick to their ways and follow a feed chart then actually learn what they're doing and improve off it.


Well-Known Member
Plain and very simple solution.

Buddhas Tree Organicus all in one veg and bloom.

I've not had a single nute issue worth noting whilst using this stuff.

No I'm not new to growing and not new to trying most of the overpriced shit.

Used this a while now and no complaints at all.

Cheap, simple and it makes monsters.


Well-Known Member
If I'm not mistaken ProMix BX is the most water retentive thing you could use except for water itself or Rice Hulls? I used ProMix HP and it was way too water retentive for my liking and grow style.

I've been growing in Coco for the past year now and haven't looked back. I like feeding daily and not ever seeing issues with over watering and also having extremely consistent results.

I run House & Garden nutrients and nothing else anymore. All the other products I've tried simply do not compete at all for price or concentration. It's clean as all hell especially if you use Drip Clean with it by H&G. You wont see salt buildup with it..

I know I could grow cheap with Jacks or something along those lines but I'm not a cheapwad I want good quality and less headaches.
Promix BX holds water better than the HP, but any soil with alot of compost will hold water like crazy. Promix Dries pretty fast, and is pretty porous/light. I want my mix to hold some water, and not just run right through it.
Ive been growing weed since 1972, and Promix BX for 2 decades.


Well-Known Member
Plain and very simple solution.

Buddhas Tree Organicus all in one veg and bloom.

I've not had a single nute issue worth noting whilst using this stuff.

No I'm not new to growing and not new to trying most of the overpriced shit.

Used this a while now and no complaints at all.

Cheap, simple and it makes monsters.
Organicus doesn't produce good yield but I do agree its a good product. Your not going to get much return from your plants using a 1 part.


Well-Known Member
Promix BX holds water better than the HP, but any soil with alot of compost will hold water like crazy. Promix Dries pretty fast, and is pretty porous/light. I want my mix to hold some water, and not just run right through it.
Ive been growing weed since 1972, and Promix BX for 2 decades.
It makes sense that you'd choose ProMix or peat as your medium then. The latest technologies are mostly focused on Coco. Most growers I've met that have been growing for 10+ years are also using peat based blends and thats just what they know which there's nothing wrong with that.
Probably too much calmag and potassium causing the thin growth. Not really sure what you can do if its in the soil mix. I highly recommend pro mix or black gold to start off with something close to neutral so you can be in control the whole time. I like the black gold because of the worm castings and npk of .05-0-0. Pro mix is good but I have to get it shipped and I'd rather buy soil in person.


Well-Known Member
I tried Coco, and was to much work. Rock Wool, NFT, Ebb, and Flow.... But its all good, and whatever a person has figured out,, and is working, shouldnt be fixing something that aint broke. It all works, its just a matter of mastering whatever system. I basically know hw to do all of them, but prefer Promix BX for Medium Small scale. 1x1000w Hortilux HPS- 1x Gavita 1700e LED Veg Lights, and 2x Hortilux HPS SE 1000w 1x1150w DE HID

Ive been growing under HID/Containers since they came out around 78. 8ft VHO Fluoro before that The very first HID bulb sold by High Times was a really fragile 1000w Halide they used on Submarines to grow veggies. It was really fragile, and they wouldnt warranty shipping. So it was luck if it made it in working order. Some months later they came out with the 1000w Super Nova, and the Octagon hydro unit. I bought both.

I get Promix BX for $37 USD a 3.8cu/ft bale at the local feed store.
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I tried Coco, and was to much work. But its all good, and whatever a person has figured out,, and is working, shouldnt be fixing something that aint broke. It all works, its just a matter of mastering whatever system.
Exactly. You gotta master the medium you're working in. I would love to have the control of hydroponic growers but keeping reservoirs of nutrient water clean sounds about as fun as cleaning an aquarium every week. Soil has its disadvantages but you mainly pour bottles and wait and thats my game. Its like the fishing.


Well-Known Member
According to Tissue Analysis.

Weed likes 2x the amount of Potassium as it does Nitrogen, or Phosphorus. Some may also like a bit more Iron, but not as a rule.

1-1-2 raito. Actually just a tiny bit less Nitrogen vs Phosphorus. 19.5 vs 20

2 base formulas I use are 19.5-20-39 added together
15.5-0-0 Calcium Nitrate. This is my Calcium, and Nitrogen Supply CN is also the cure for Blossom End Rot, so this stops that, before it starts.
Epsom Salts also added to every feeding/watering.

0-52-34 MKP for bloom boosting in weeks 2.5-4 in an 8 weeks flowering strain. Weeks 5-6 get an Epsom Salts boost.

In Promix BX, I use recommended Strength, BUT use per 5 gallons water vs 1 gallon, and feed with each watering. One has to watch when using Hydro Fert in Sphagnum Moss, or it will build up. Less is more.


Well-Known Member
Organicus doesn't produce good yield but I do agree its a good product. Your not going to get much return from your plants using a 1 part.
Again , more misinformation. Organics can produce a better yield. (i agree on a regular basis though.... your average joe hydro vs average joe soil= bigger yield with hydro. ) Comletely depends on who is growing it.
The part about the one part food is just nonsense. why would you even assume that ?? Jimmi just laid out what most weed likes. 1-1-2. 20 part foods were/are a marketing scheme , its not about being cheap or none of that. its about understanding what plants need. Im not gonna sit here and lie anf say i use a one part because i dont. My friend does use a one part and his food is about the same as mine ....i just have to work harder. no big deal.

In my opinion , a one part is better because they dont advertise for weed growers. They mix all the powders together and its fine. I dont think they can mix cal and P in the same bottle of liquid so a one part has to be powder. Even the best food should not be more then a two part basic diet with supplements.

EDIT: after proof reading my post it seems im coming off as a dick like half of riu. im not that person. i want to pre apologize if i sounded rude. i dont mean to be a dick at all!


Well-Known Member
Ive experimented with good success with the use of Granular 20-20-20, and 0-0-52 to achieve a 20-20-39 balance in the soil. Same stuff many farmers use. Main thing about doing it in container gardening is flushing the nutrients away faster than you would in the ground.

I experimented a couple years ago with Promix BX, and granular fert in 20 gallon containers. Cant remember how much per each I used per 3.8 cu/ft bale, but it aint alot. Also added a bit more Calcitic, and Dolomitic Lime at a 2/3-1/3 ratio.
Worked great though.

Back in the 70s-80s I used Miracle Grow 15-30-15/Peters 20-20-20 x Epsom Salts. 5-50-17 Bloom Booster, and had great results. But balance isnt optimal. Almost anything will grow weed to a satisfactory outcome. It is a weed after all.

Also used to use 34-0-0... 0-44-0.... 0-0-52 but you cant get ammonium nitrate like you used to. Have to use Urea. 46-0-0. Better yet Calcium Nitrate 15.5-0-0
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Well-Known Member
Ive experimented with good success with the use of Granular 20-20-20, and 0-0-52 to achieve a 20-20-39 balance in the soil. Same stuff many farmers use. Main thing about doing it in container gardening is flushing the nutrients away faster than you would in the ground.

I experimented a couple years ago with Promix BX, and granular fert in 20 gallon containers. Cant remember how much per each I used per 3.8 cu/ft bale, but it aint alot. Also added a bit more Calcitic, and Dolomitic Lime at a 2/3-1/3 ratio.
Worked great though.

Back in the 70s-80s I used Miracle Grow 15-30-15/Peters 20-20-20 x Epsom Salts. 5-50-17 Bloom Booster, and had great results. But balance isnt optimal. Almost anything will grow weed to a satisfactory outcome. It is a weed after all.

Also used to use 34-0-0... 0-44-0.... 0-0-52 but you cant get ammonium nitrate like you used to. Have to use Urea. 46-0-0. Better yet Calcium Nitrate 15.5-0-0
I guess with those super high numbers I'm achieving that essentially when running liquid fertilizer on a daily basis in coco? Weird how you have such high numbers lol but I do understand its slower breakdown.


Well-Known Member
Again , more misinformation. Organics can produce a better yield. (i agree on a regular basis though.... your average joe hydro vs average joe soil= bigger yield with hydro. ) Comletely depends on who is growing it.
The part about the one part food is just nonsense. why would you even assume that ?? Jimmi just laid out what most weed likes. 1-1-2. 20 part foods were/are a marketing scheme , its not about being cheap or none of that. its about understanding what plants need. Im not gonna sit here and lie anf say i use a one part because i dont. My friend does use a one part and his food is about the same as mine ....i just have to work harder. no big deal.

In my opinion , a one part is better because they dont advertise for weed growers. They mix all the powders together and its fine. I dont think they can mix cal and P in the same bottle of liquid so a one part has to be powder. Even the best food should not be more then a two part basic diet with supplements.

EDIT: after proof reading my post it seems im coming off as a dick like half of riu. im not that person. i want to pre apologize if i sounded rude. i dont mean to be a dick at all!
There is a reason there are multiple bottles. You ever tried mixing those products all in 1 container and see what happens? lol

Sure 1 part products can be "complete" and do the job but they will never compete like with lines that have supplemental additives. I don't care if you're Kyle Kushman or any other world class weed grower its not happening.