My Song of the Day

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Well-Known Member
Definitely my song of the day/moment, seeing as I'm shit faced drunk on Irish whiskey now & can barely type at this moment & my wife, who drove me into this position, who is a vicious hag actually (it's that time of the month, if you know what I mean) is right behind me now singing the female lead as loud as possible :) :) :)



Well-Known Member
Do you want to hear a funny story?
It was 1981 in NYC on St. Pat's Day after the parade in this small club in Manhattan on U2's 1st tour in America & the Ancient Order of the Hibernians/NYPD Bagpipe Band opened up for them & the place went crazy.
Envision this.
30 or so drunken Irish cops in kilts with bagpipes dancing around the stage in front of a bunch stoners/heads/punks.
We would not let them leave the stage.
Encore after encore was demanded, and being the good civil servants they were, they complied.
Fucking memorable, like the last smile on my face memorable
Oh, this was the last tune that U2 played that night & it's still my favorite U2 song

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