My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

thanks trapper.
couple of questions. 1. how big is your intake/outflow (4 inches?)

also, how noisy is your fan? if you don't know the sone rating let me ask you this. Can you hear it running just outside the door to your grow?
it is 4 inches it is an elicent AXC 100B-c blower,it is super quite,the quitest of the ones i tried,i have it hooked to a 6x16 inc odorsox rated at 266 cfm,if you google the name of the fan they have the sonne rateing i dont know how to link stuff,hope this helps,the fan is as loud as my computer running.
600 watt metal halide baby! the youngin's are just soaking it up. Gots to monitor those temps though cuz that bulb is blazing!


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I love the little solar panel looking reflector down there ha.

That MH is a fatty! Looks like a really fun setup
widened the exhaust today. I was narrowing the 4 inch to a 2 inch hole through the house. The room was getting too hot so I tried cutting a new hole, 4 inches leaving two 2-inch holes as passive intake. hopefully it doesn't get too cold at night.

why the jumbo cfl you ask? because after my mh light was plugged in for a few minutes the other day I unplugged it and plugged it back in. nothing. maybe it was because it was too hot because 5 minutes later it was fine. I'm not taking any chances though that at 6am it won't come on - hence the cfl as back-up morning light to keep my plants light cycle groovy. I'll feel safe if after a couple weeks it never misses a turn-on.

no other preflowers yet


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damn those are some big leaves
they just sucken up the light and making the food
widened the exhaust today. I was narrowing the 4 inch to a 2 inch hole through the house. The room was getting too hot so I tried cutting a new hole, 4 inches leaving two 2-inch holes as passive intake. hopefully it doesn't get too cold at night.

why the jumbo cfl you ask? because after my mh light was plugged in for a few minutes the other day I unplugged it and plugged it back in. nothing. maybe it was because it was too hot because 5 minutes later it was fine. I'm not taking any chances though that at 6am it won't come on - hence the cfl as back-up morning light to keep my plants light cycle groovy. I'll feel safe if after a couple weeks it never misses a turn-on.

no other preflowers yet

im not sure if its the heat or what . but after the light is turned off .. i guess it needs to cool down before it will turn back on. mine did the same thing. always powers on after being off for awhilebongsmilie
Thanks. Didn't know that. my light and ballast from ebay had no instructions.

Temps working out perfectly. 80F day (high), 65, night (low). At least for now. problem is sometimes its -30 outside here in the dead of winter. cross that bridge...
Thanks. Didn't know that. my light and ballast from ebay had no instructions.

Temps working out perfectly. 80F day (high), 65, night (low). At least for now. problem is sometimes its -30 outside here in the dead of winter. cross that bridge...
i have the same problem as you with outside temps,so all my seeds and clones either adapt to the cold lights off time or they are gone,in the end you find strains that will work well in your environment,i also run my veg 24/7 because it is cheaper then adding heat,after they go in flower and have the heavy lights they seem to crave that nighttime temps drop to about 16-60 depending on C or F.
I wan't to drop into twelves but I've had to wait to sort out temps. It seems that when it is 4 degrees Celsius outside the room gets really hot (34!) but it sits at a nice 27 when it is -4. Also without the light (heat source) for 6 hours overnight the room drops to 14 degrees. I've rigged up a heater on a timer and have been monitoring temps.

In fact, I think I am going to go and cut some clones right now and switch the lights into flower. Will update later with pics on how things go.
Before flowering I decided to take a couple clones from each plant. I ran out of time though so I didn't get to clone Kinky - I'll get to it in the morning. Some nice pics of the plants at 45 days.

Notice the oil rad in the foreground of the pic keeping things toasty.

Not sure how to drop to 12/12. My current light is 6am to midnight. Should I extend the darkness tomorrow? I want to go 10am to 10pm. Should I set the lights to come on at 10 for 10 hours of darkness? Curb you went lights out for 24 hours no? do you think it was a good idea?

Things looking good though. Check out the before and after of Buddy- the bud from an outdoor plant that I brought back from the dead to veg.

Smallie is too small to clone. If she's female I'll try a clone even though she's flowering. i know people say not to but other people say different. Everyone has an opinion these days.


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That's nothing - I've now put a spiral staircase going up the outside of the super-structure.


oh well, gotta give the kid something to play with whilst cloning.