Sticky's Stealth Stash


Well-Known Member
Some clear and some milky and no amber that I could find. My box has been relatively stable and steady with the temp and humidity. As winter approaches things are getting a bit dryer in the air outside of the box therefore the same inside. I will adjust for that as needed.

I'm thinking as much as 3 more weeks to go?



Well-Known Member
Well shit....maybe 2 CO2 jugs are too up to almost 2000ppm right before lights came back on...had 2 people and a dog over for dinner, they must have been heavy breathers!!



Well-Known Member
Sneak peek at my new box in the making. Red oak finish. Will be 7'x2'x2' with an upper flower chamber that is 4' tall and a lower veg chamber that is 3' tall. All new hardware, lights, fans and gear. I'm going to make this thing look pro af. More to come later this week!!



Well-Known Member
Last mistake grow in the small box is done trimmed and jarred for cure
38 grams of goodness! 2 months and I'll have some tasty purple kush!!

In the meantime I'm finishing up DZ1 which is my new box for veg and flower at the same time. I'm excited to attempt perpetual grow. I just started femenized Mazar and my buddybis actually having me finish out one of his smaller ladies in my new flower box as I won't have anything for that section till the Mazar is ready to roll.

Now I'm testing the box, hoping to be able to fill it side to side front to back with one giant lady per section. Time will tell!

Also look out for BlumenBot if this turns out to be functional!!



Well-Known Member
If you could fit 2 or 3 mini bonsai-style mothers in the bottom, cloned em and did a sog on the top, that would be a nice option to consider. Even if you wanted to add a new strain from seed every grow cycle, there would be no downtime at all in between because of all the clones. If plant limits are an issue, you could always just do 1 or 2 fem seeds and pull a clone or 2 from each before putting up top. Once they flower take the best clone you took and keep as mother and then start a new strain. I'm sure you've probably thought of something exactly like this, just thought I'd put it out there cause I can see you pulling in like a hp with the right strain/light combo in that build.


Well-Known Member
I'm looking to do one solid lady in each chamber and keep rotating then out. Since I'm a very novice and new grower I want to try lots of different strains. My friend was running out of room in his container flower box and he has a runt Girl Scout Cookies that fit perfectly in my top section. Dropped my temps by 10*F as opposed to running it empty. The box is now very stable. I have room to go in every direction and I can add a dehumidifier or lower ambient humidity to help in flower but so far things are looking great!!

BlumenBot here we come!!!



Well-Known Member
Looking real good now that you got a lady in there, and by the looks of it she's already 2-3 weeks into flower, which is a nice bonus!! I probably don't even have to mention this but be sure to keep the light cycle the same as whatever it was on when you got it.


Well-Known Member
Looking real good now that you got a lady in there, and by the looks of it she's already 2-3 weeks into flower, which is a nice bonus!! I probably don't even have to mention this but be sure to keep the light cycle the same as whatever it was on when you got it.
Yessir on at 5pm off at 5am :) she won’t skip a beat except I’m slightly concerned he didn’t bring it over in the golden hour of darkness before the 5pm start...she was dark for about 20 minutes in transport from his space to mine at around 8pm. Hopefully that’s not going to cause hermie


Well-Known Member
Yessir on at 5pm off at 5am :) she won’t skip a beat except I’m slightly concerned he didn’t bring it over in the golden hour of darkness before the 5pm start...she was dark for about 20 minutes in transport from his space to mine at around 8pm. Hopefully that’s not going to cause hermie
Awesome bro, glad to hear. Should be no trouble at all for the move, dark is definitely not as bad as light. It's Iike when you wake up and someone flips the light on and you're blinded for a minute, shit sucks. If you're already awake and someone turns off the lights, it ain't shit. Plus I think it takes longer than 20 mins for a weed plant to go back to sleep, unless its pure indica, be passed out in under 5 minutes lmao


Well-Known Member
Introducing the latest stealth grow box for my home setup!! There is a small margin of error due to the fact its all hand cut but I think I have it with 99% of perfect 

This is a 7'6" tall cabinet with a 4' flower section and 3' veg section. I have 3 different 6500k lights for the veg section depending on the age of the plant and a 120w full spectrum light in the flower section. Ventilation is a 4" inline fan exhausting through a carbon filter at the top of flower. Intake is 2 square vents at the bottom of veg with a light proof pass through partition between the two sections. Internally I have 3 Vornado circulation fans; 1 in veg and 2 in flower. Light in veg can go as high as 5" from the top and in flower it fits right next to the ductwork about 6" from the top so I have maximized internal space for a 2x2' dual zone cabinet (I think).

I have a few residents already and the setup is very stable in both environments. I have room to add smaller appliances if needed. I am excited to post more soon, I'm only 48 hours into true testing but things are looking really solid. Box is staying stable under 80*F in both chambers. Humidity isn't bad either and I only have an evap humidifier sitting next to the box outside.

Currently running Cookies n Cream from a friend in the flower box and Mazar seedling in the veg section.

I'm excited to get growing with this new setup. I'm keeping the old box as my drying chamber for now, its the perfect space, dark, and climate controlled.



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More pics

