18/6 or 20/4

Cannabis is a 2a life form it does not need a dark period unluss it’s a photo period they can proses co2 and conduct photosynthesis at the same time so you don’t need a dark period. Other plants that are not too 2a life forms can only process CO2 in the dark they can’t photosynthesize and process CO2 at the same time cannabis can... I run lights 24 hours nonstop no dark in veg last harvest I pulled 20 ounces jarred up off of one plant veg for six weeks from seed then flip than this harvest I pulled 8 ounces cured off of a four week veg from seed off one plant also under 24 seven lights until flip
Also if you have height restrictions vegging them under 24 hour light will keep them from stretching things only grow during light hours why sacrifice growth for a dark period..They may look like they grow in the dark but in reality they just stretch they don’t grow in the dark and less are flowering because the plant knows it’s coming to the end of its life So it dumps all of its energy into growing at all hours of the day
Also if you have height restrictions vegging them under 24 hour light will keep them from stretching things only grow during light hours why sacrifice growth for a dark period..They may look like they grow in the dark but in reality they just stretch they don’t grow in the dark and less are flowering because the plant knows it’s coming to the end of its life So it dumps all of its energy into growing at all hours of the day

Very interesting, thank you for the info.
IMHO, 18/6 is all you need for photos when using a decent light source....if your light source is on the weaker side, then go 20/4 or 24/0

I typically start my seedlings under CFL bulbs for the first week......I run the lights 24/0 mostly to keep them warm.

Once established, I'll reduce to 20/4 for another week, then under a 315 CMH or 600 HPS and reduce to 18/6

Auto's are a different ball game....they like 24 hours/day
If your using RO water or distilled, yeah I’d advise to start off with low dosage of cal mag. Gradually increasing as it grows. Fox farms soils have enough food for 3-4 weeks before deficiencies will show up. Usually city water had calcium in it. But also chlorine.
Just wondering everyone's opinion on a 18/6 or 20/4 light cycle for veg? Does it make a difference doing one or the other?
Honestly in the Oaksterdam university course book it says that they did side by side testing too see what light schedule makes plants grow the fastest during veg and according too them 24 hours on / 0 hours off is the way too go.
(I personally do 18/6 but if you want faster growth in veg on a day too day basis go with 20/4)
Honestly if you are using filtered water with 0ppm like me add some cal mag into your nutrient solution.(but im a hydro kid)

I'm using tap water that reads about 22 ppm when I check it. The last watering I did I didnt ph balance, it was a 7.4 and run off was 5.2 im still playing with things and to be frank dont know what I'm doing exactly. I try doing research and there's sooo much information its hard to balance out what's right/wrong.
I’ve done 24/7 in veg and clones for decades. Not sure if the “rest” is scientifically proven. None of indoor growing replicates nature. Who gradually decreases the light cycle a few minutes a day until it gets to 12/12???? None one I know. They go from veg to 12/12.
I also use 24hrs light for most of the year, if it's benificial in the summer I'll do 18/6 and try to avoid the hottest part of the day,
I've never noticed any difference in the plants themselves health wise, ime they don't need a dark period until you want to flower them.

However if it's available I'd like to hear some lab Science on the subject, why it is plants need a rest/sleep/dark period, I use 24hrs and it works fine for me but that doesn't mean it's right?
I love this debate. No reproducible results still from university labs. Just our experience.

My opinion is the more rest the plant gets, the healthier it is. Personally run 16 - 17.5 on in veg.. And 11 on and 13 off in flower. Still searching for the magic ratio. Let me know when you find it.