If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

Once there is solid proof in the court of law related to that matter I will state my postion lol until then it's all hearsay; much like our Biden laptop we don't like to talk about.

The media claims they been getting slapped down but have you looked into the court lol
Only a handful have been; in states that count they haven't been...Ga to name a few. :blsmoke:
This is testimony from the Bi-partisan Senate Intel community not 'hearsay'.

It sucks that if you are not another in the endless line of paid Trump trolls (foreign or domestic) your information was very likely given to Trump for the Russian military to use to attack you with. And instead of taking a second and admitting that it is indeed shitty, you can't stop with the cult logic long enough to not troll this forum.

I wish you the best of luck, because this attack is shitty and effective. And I really hope that even if you can't stop trolling long enough to digest new information that is kept away from you on whatever forums you are being trolled on while here, you eventually slow down long enough to learn about the attack and see how it is impacting our friends and families.
Pa is about to go there lol
Link to where you saw this nugget?
Looking AZ will prob go too.....
This too.

Because I saw that they both tossed out the lawsuits and Biden won with nothing that the Republicans can do to try to cheat Trump into another 4 years.

This is testimony from the Bi-partisan Senate Intel community not 'hearsay'.

It sucks that if you are not another in the endless line of paid Trump trolls (foreign or domestic) your information was very likely given to Trump for the Russian military to use to attack you with. And instead of taking a second and admitting that it is indeed shitty, you can't stop with the cult logic long enough to not troll this forum.

I wish you the best of luck, because this attack is shitty and effective. And I really hope that even if you can't stop trolling long enough to digest new information that is kept away from you on whatever forums you are being trolled on while here, you eventually slow down long enough to learn about the attack and see how it is impacting our friends and families.

Link to where you saw this nugget?

This too.

Because I saw that they both tossed out the lawsuits and Biden won with nothing that the Republicans can do to try to cheat Trump into another 4 years.

Even from a media source!
I did. You failed to read that a said it 'looks' like lol.
Nope, you said 'about to go there'.

Screen Shot 2020-12-08 at 11.03.30 AM.png

So, are you ok with the Trump campaign giving the Russian military the voting data Trump got from the RNC on us American citizens to use in their attack on our citizens?
Sorry should've grouped them together; figured they would just get taken all in the same context lol
It doesn't matter they are both just ways to get Trump to fleece his cult for donations so he can pay off the foreign dictators that lent him money and a hail Mary attempt to cheat his way into being elected, again.

Ok, seems you are having a hard time with the data that Trump gave the Russian military on us.

How about the Russian military bounties that they have placed on American soldiers that Trump has not pushed back on, are you ok with that?

Or the fact that they are acting aggressively towards our military without any pushback from Trump?

I don't understand how an American can be ok with Trump's bending a knee to Putin.