Cannasaurus Rex
Well-Known Member
With the vaccine rollout, and the talk of restrictions against those who are un-vaccinated, how do we go about compliance/group immunity, when it comes to societal freedom at large? The implications of an improperly administered 'plan' are, quite frankly, kinda scarey. Do we; issue a card/ tag/ tattoo that is easily faked? Do we have an intrusive official scannable/fraudproof photo ID card (like a drivers licence)? OR do we base freedom levels by area (like right now) and only loosen said restrictions with a certain % residents being vaccinated? I favour regional treatment instead of individual responsibility for 'proof' of immunization, myself. Treat this like a community and not burden the individual with "blame". I'm not a tattoo or radioactive dye, or chip fan myself. Not an anti-vaccer but I'm gonna wait and take my turn in the a working adult, I'm at the end of the priority line, and I have the luxury of choice for at least 6 months, anyway. If it's safe, sure, BUT if it becomes mandatory without an anti-body test first....uh, not until I'm forced lol.