I'm busy trialing out some supersoil from a local company, they warned me it may be a bit hot so I must keep an eye out.
About a week ago I started seeing burnt tips, I immediately assumed that this was the burn he mentioned possible.
However, I'm starting to lean more towards a potassium deficiency based on the extent the "burn" that is present on the leaves. The yellowing or lightening just on the inside of the "burned" areas are also making me lean Potassium.
Hoping for a second opinion, obviously the resolution would screw me over if I got it wrong.
About a week ago I started seeing burnt tips, I immediately assumed that this was the burn he mentioned possible.
However, I'm starting to lean more towards a potassium deficiency based on the extent the "burn" that is present on the leaves. The yellowing or lightening just on the inside of the "burned" areas are also making me lean Potassium.
Hoping for a second opinion, obviously the resolution would screw me over if I got it wrong.
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