Fem Pollen for Sale?

That's pretty damn cheap. Cheaper than what I payed. How were the chemicals packaged and labeled? Everything I see for those prices is unbranded.

the amber bottle on eBay of silver nitrate is legit 10g. The thiosulfate is from a lab look them up and sorry it was 113grams not 500

the amber bottle on eBay of silver nitrate is legit 10g. The thiosulfate is from a lab look them up and sorry it was 113grams not 500

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I have the exact same bottle of sodium thiosulfate. It's pretty cheap and I only think I payed a dollar or so more. The price of the silver nitrate kind of shocked me until I looked at my bottle and realized it was 25 grams so I didn't pay that much more for that either. But the price has gone up where I got mine so years from now when I need more I'll have to shop around more I guess.
I have the exact same bottle of sodium thiosulfate. It's pretty cheap and I only think I payed a dollar or so more. The price of the silver nitrate kind of shocked me until I looked at my bottle and realized it was 25 grams so I didn't pay that much more for that either. But the price has gone up where I got mine so years from now when I need more I'll have to shop around more I guess.

for sure the price has increased from when I bought mine wow just did a quick search
IIRC the STS kit from Twenty20 is approx 250 ml total (including the (2) 30 ml bottles)

That's not very much solution. Have you thought about just purchasing the chemicals? If you do reversals you might as well make it as cost effective as possible. It's a really good tool to have on hand for making seeds. The chemicals will remain viable and last for years if stored properly. It's nice to have that tool available when you need it. :peace:
I have the seperate items to mix my own. I bought the Twenty20 mix while I was waiting on the items to arrive.

@Hot Diggity Sog I spray 5 days before flip, then on day of flip, then every 5 days or so from that spray at flip. The way I worded it was a bit confusing. You dont want any gaps in days sprayed larger than 5 days apart. Hope this helps.
Oddly I haven’t seen boo from him on IG. I do think he was moving or planning on moving. Maybe he’s dropped off.
that's terrible to hear. he actually was the only person i knew had a direct line on p-91 and i was trying to purchase but the website hasn't been update. whats the insta handle???
I have the seperate items to mix my own. I bought the Twenty20 mix while I was waiting on the items to arrive.

@Hot Diggity Sog I spray 5 days before flip, then on day of flip, then every 5 days or so from that spray at flip. The way I worded it was a bit confusing. You dont want any gaps in days sprayed larger than 5 days apart. Hope this helps.
Thank you for clarifying.
that's terrible to hear. he actually was the only person i knew had a direct line on p-91 and i was trying to purchase but the website hasn't been update. whats the insta handle???

Yeah pretty sure he was at @riotseedco. I am getting user not found on IG. Bummer.
I got the stuff in the mail. How stainy is this stuff? Glove up ?
Im not sure which you are referencing (twenty20 mix or your own mix), but I'd glove up and work on a sheet tray or piece of cardboard because of staining. It will turn your fingers/countertops/clothes etc purple if it gets on you. However, I didnt glove up on my second order of Twenty20 mix and got a little on my finger and it didnt stain it? I'd still recommend mixing it on something and use gloves and old clothes though either way just to be sure.
Mix my own. What about when you spray the plant ? Over spray going to stain ? Just wondering
I remove mine from the tent, put em in a large tote on its end, and rotate the plant inside of the upturned tote while I spray. This keeps majority of over spay contained pretty well to just inside of the tote. Give the bush a lil shake, then let it dry (20-30 min or so) and back into the grow. I make sure they are dry before they go back in to the grow so I dont get any STS transferring to a plant I dont want it on.