G-13, Hash Plant Clones pz help...


Well-Known Member
So thats what im workin with.

I wanna make sure that Im doin all the right things

I think they are about 7 days old. I just put it in a diy cab that currently has 2 100 watt cfls about an inch and a half away from them.

They are in soil but im gonna transfer them to hydroton in a few days after i spray them with safersoap.

The temp is about 71F and they were just watered.

Can i start adding nutrient??

also what else do I have to watch for while i turn these girls into mothers???


Well-Known Member
By 7 days old do u mean that u cut them or got them rooted????if they are not rooted i whould not give them nutes and when they do root give them half or less and see how they like it then up it...good luck


Well-Known Member
yes they have to have roots..they were transplanted into soil about 7 days ago...

they look pretty healthy, they have a couple sets of fan leaves already...


Well-Known Member
WHAT!!!! NO NUTES FOR 2 OR 3 WEEKS, you dont know how 2 grow!!!! dont listen 2 that guy hes tring 2 fuck up your grow, check this out you want rapid root growth in the first few weeks, go buy some rhizotonic or some root 66 feed them only that for 7 days then start your nutes with the rhizotonic or root 66 mixed in, keep giving them the root excelarator all threw veg, if you want big yields and healthy plants you must have strong roots, trust me use canna rhizotonic or technaflora root 66, i use it with my freshly rooted clones and freshly rooted seeds, my roots are allways double the size of my babys long and strong


Well-Known Member
WHAT!!!! NO NUTES FOR 2 OR 3 WEEKS, you dont know how 2 grow!!!! dont listen 2 that guy hes tring 2 fuck up your grow...
Maybe you should have a better grasp of the facts before you go around accusing people of giving bad advice. I don't recommend using nutes for the first 2-3 weeks because doing so simply isn't necessary. Plants will do just fine without. More importantly, it's far too easy for new growers to overfeed and kill their plants. Using nutes in the early stages of growth should only be attempted by experienced growers.


Well-Known Member
also i have a rooting hormone called hormex that I was planning on sing in my aero cloner. Would it be wise to use that on these plants in soil in a few days???


Well-Known Member
so how often should I water???
Depends. Only water when the top inch or two of soil is dry. Use your finger to check.
also i have a rooting hormone called hormex that I was planning on sing in my aero cloner. Would it be wise to use that on these plants in soil in a few days???
You probably could, just be careful. Maybe use less than the recommended amount just to be safe.


Well-Known Member
check this out greatfulhead423 i dont point nobody in the wrong direction, i grow 4 fast grows big yields and strong tree, some people just grow regular get you high weed, yea just giving your babys phd water will work just fine but feeding them root excelarator will start them off right you want major root growth in the first few weeks, i aint never used hormex but i have use root 66 and rhizotonic spend 20 dollars and feed them right, there telling you 2 feed just water for a month, wow???? what dont make sense 2 me is if you only feed them water for a month how long do you veg 4 with nutes after that?? i know your not going 2 throw them into flower after only giving them water how long do you want his grow 2 be, when i transplant i hit with water once then start with everything else my shit is ready for flower in 3 weeks


Well-Known Member
check this out greatfulhead423 i dont point nobody in the wrong direction, i grow 4 fast grows big yields and strong tree, some people just grow regular get you high weed, yea just giving your babys phd water will work just fine but feeding them root excelarator will start them off right you want major root growth in the first few weeks, i aint never used hormex but i have use root 66 and rhizotonic spend 20 dollars and feed them right, there telling you 2 feed just water for a month, wow???? what dont make sense 2 me...
Just because something doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean it can't be done. You like your own growing methods? Great, but don't get all arrogant and insult people that disagree with you. Peace.