bong is dead on there; the 5-1-1 isn't going to be the boost i'm talking about, nor is any organic fert i would think. this is the beauty of chem nutes; sometimes they are just that helpful in the ratios....
i have used the alaska fish emulsion 5-1-1, and my plants didn't like it much. they seemed burned and deficient at the same time. if you really want to keep organic, get some bloodmeal, bonemeal, and potash, and mix up a tea to use. this will be slower acting than an actual fertilizer, but will keep you organic. i can help you with amounts if you decide to go that route.
however, i still think miracle gro is the answer here. perhaps bong's suggestion is best; let them dry and transplant to mg soil. this will get you in a rich nitrogen environment, ans should help the plants take off. also, consider using superthrive if you don't already; it's a great root building additive....