Is this a potassium deficency?


Well-Known Member
not stagreen soil, it's fafard. soil pH is 6.8, water pH is 6.7. No mg for me, I'm trying to stay organic.

This is what's confusing me so much, seems like have the people say too much N, and the other half say too much. Maybe I ought to give one plant some more N, and plain water to the other.
too much n results in very dark green leaves, burnt tips. they do not look overfed.


Well-Known Member
they don't look overwatered to me either :p

i could show you pictures of identical plants.... as i have the same issue with the soil i'm using now. different strain, my own breed, and identical....

and i promise mine are not overwatered ;)


Well-Known Member
well then kp i guess were both stumped cause his ph was at 6.7 which is well within range for m.j. My next guess is that there is a pest or bacteria eating the roots.


Well-Known Member
hey kp im not trying to argue its obvious we both have a idea of what we are talkuing about.Mabey we can put our knowledge together and help solve this dilema.


New Member
Just my luck that 2 experienced growers are stumped as well. I guess my next question is, what would you do if this was your plant?

I appreciate both of you taking the time to think about my problem. Would more pictures or info help? The yellow/brown leaves are really dry and crumble easily if touched. The newer leaves look good, although they seem to be a bit droopy.

I guess the only good news is that I have not had any temp problems for a while. High of 84 today, low of 68. Humidity stayed between 20-30% though, is that too low?


Well-Known Member
you're fine at the moment. and i'm agreeing with the above, let's try and put two heads together here....

if overwatering might be an issue here, allow the soil to dry for a few days. then, hit with a high nitrogen fertilizer (i use miracle gro 24-8-16) and that should be a boost to push them out of the stall. for mine, they yellow like that until they get big enough for me to feed. i feed with the mg once or twice, and they get green and start growing very fast.

so, i say let the soil dry a bit. then feed. then wait 4-5 days and take pix to update the thread, let us see what happens. i'm almost certain this will fix your problem and put your plants back on top. :)


Well-Known Member
let the soil dry out completly and lay off the food.If they dont respond to that i would flush and transplant into m.g. potting soil.M.g. is not organic and will require a big flush.But its my emergency choice. ive used it for whole grows where i fed only water and great yeilds If you go with the m.g. do not use any other nutrients untill your last 3 weeks of flower then give them a booster product like big up powder or gravity etc... then the day b4 harvest i would put the plant in my bath tub and flush 20 gallons of water through it. hope these suggestions help.


New Member
kp, I'm trying so stay organic if at all possible. Can I sub fish emulsion 5-1-1 for the mg? I just need the N right now, right?

I last watered friday, the soil is a slightly damp about 2" deep today. When do you think I should water again?


Well-Known Member
i have the same issue.. with 6 of 12 of my clones... they are the older batch and they are SO MUCH smaller than the other bitches.... yellowing and stunted puny stems, i want to just throw em away even though they are like 12 inches tall, just not as good lookin... overwatered was my issue, i let em dry out and also ph was around 6.1 runoff, lookin a lil low for soil right?


Well-Known Member
p.s you should feel them when they have just been watered, the pot that is, and then again when they are really light ( means their dry ) my big bitch gets really light when shes dry, and shes big.... you can totally tell when they needa feedin ;)


Well-Known Member
kp's suggestions are also good . we agree to let your soil dry out nicely 1st and go from trhere. either transplant or use kp s suggestion to help get them going.


New Member
bonghits, I think I'll follow your prescription for one plant, and kp's prescription on the other.

I know the pics are low quality and it's tough to real make a judgment without seeing the plant. I'm not trying to prove anyone right or wrong, I'm just trying to cover all my bases. I'll take pictures of both tomorrow, and see how they respond over the next few days.

You have both been a huge help, and your advice is VERY much appreciated kiss-ass



Well-Known Member
we get that you want to stay organic but organics is tough and tricky.For a 1st timer i recomend m.g. And as far as subbing fish emuloshin you will need a bigger boost of n.Look for a organic veg food with a ratio like 15-5-15.


Well-Known Member
bong is dead on there; the 5-1-1 isn't going to be the boost i'm talking about, nor is any organic fert i would think. this is the beauty of chem nutes; sometimes they are just that helpful in the ratios....

i have used the alaska fish emulsion 5-1-1, and my plants didn't like it much. they seemed burned and deficient at the same time. if you really want to keep organic, get some bloodmeal, bonemeal, and potash, and mix up a tea to use. this will be slower acting than an actual fertilizer, but will keep you organic. i can help you with amounts if you decide to go that route.

however, i still think miracle gro is the answer here. perhaps bong's suggestion is best; let them dry and transplant to mg soil. this will get you in a rich nitrogen environment, ans should help the plants take off. also, consider using superthrive if you don't already; it's a great root building additive....


Well-Known Member
see kp i knew we were not that far off after all.Sometimes its hard to see intentions in the "cold print".And without emotion in voice or expressions in body language.The "cold print" comes off as challenging.
Im glad cooler thought prevailed in both cases. and hwc i hope you find resolution to your problem.


Well-Known Member
see kp i knew we were not that far off after all.Sometimes its hard to see intentions in the "cold print".And without emotion in voice or expressions in body language.The "cold print" comes off as challenging.
Im glad cooler thought prevailed in both cases. and hwc i hope you find resolution to your problem.
i'm glad we came to a humane realization as well; this place is like a shark tank sometimes.... :p