Legal buds queiry


Well-Known Member
they will send you some shit, but it won't get you stoned. And they taste NOTHING like bud, it tastes like shit to tell you the truth.


Well-Known Member
i have tried it....if i was you i wouldnt waste my time and MONEY....its bullshit it dont gets you high and it doesnt even smell like marijuana...its gross, the money you use to buy legal herbs can be used to buy the worst strain of marijuana in your neighborhood and you will be more satisfied...


Well-Known Member
i have tried it....if i was you i wouldnt waste my time and MONEY....its bullshit it dont gets you high and it doesnt even smell like marijuana...its gross, the money you use to buy legal herbs can be used to buy the worst strain of marijuana in your neighborhood and you will be more satisfied...
yup yup yup


Well-Known Member
I thought I would try some a few months ago, and I endes up throwing 4 oz's in the trash! I ended up gettin my shit from international oddities...Stunk#1, Bahli Bubble Bud, Krypto, and some other bullshit. BTW, its legal because it doesnt do a fuckin thing for you except give you a headache and taste like shit!


Well-Known Member
YEP TOTAL SHIT all it is is mint and cinnimon and differnet herbs and spices total shit if you want a true legal smoke nutmeg for real