Ready for harvest

So I dont know what to do with this plant. Its finishing up week 7 and the trics are about 90% cloudy and 10% amber. But the pistils still look like it needs another week, and the buds definitely look like they can swell a bit more I absolutely HATE CBN, and sleepy weed, but I don't want to cut too early and lose weight. Anyone wanna weigh in?



Well-Known Member
Pistils have nothing to do with maturity, and you can't possibly know if the the buds need to get thicker unless you've grown it before.
Wait for the trichomes to get more amber, if nothing else. She looks great! Good luck, happy harvest!


Well-Known Member
Pistils have nothing to do with maturity, and you can't possibly know if the the buds need to get thicker unless you've grown it before.
Wait for the trichomes to get more amber, if nothing else. She looks great! Good luck, happy harvest!
Pistils have everything to do with maturity, check out every bud that ever got mature for what to look for.


Well-Known Member
wait till it dies on the stalk and then let it cure on rhe stalk for 2 monthes .

haha makes you go right to sleep . heck , try it with one plant and you will have some small supplyt of sleeping medication and zero paranoia
