New Grower


Help I am in week 6-7 of my flowers and have lost most of my foliage leaves are yellowing is that normal? The buds look good I have been feeding them liquid blue bloom buster 2-4-10 is this normal? I added a little nitrogen last feeding but it didn't seem to help also this is my first time with full flowers I am worried on when to harvest.


Well-Known Member
You haven't lost most of your leaves. It's not great, but survivable, by the looks of it. Be patient, let the plant consume the leaves for whatever imbalance is present, and harvest when the trichomes tell you. Good luck!


You haven't lost most of your leaves. It's not great, but survivable, by the looks of it. Be patient, let the plant consume the leaves for whatever imbalance is present, and harvest when the trichomes tell you. Good luck!
Thanks yeah if you saw them 5 weeks ago you would think so they were like super thick in leaves but as the budding has progressed the lower leaves have yellowed and fell off I am watching my trichomes they seemed to have started turning more plastics looking from a clear they once were.. I started the bloom Nov 1st if that helps. I keep reading I can wait to long and hurt the quality so I am on fence when to harvest I sure don't want to loose out on the quality of them.


Well-Known Member
You're doing just fine, especially for your first grow. If anything are the lights a bit too far from your plants? How far from the top of the plants is it?
What strain is that? You might have had a bit of extra stretch but minor if at all.
6 -7 weeks? Looks like they're just getting started tbqh


You're doing just fine, especially for your first grow. If anything are the lights a bit too far from your plants? How far from the top of the plants is it?
What strain is that? You might have had a bit of extra stretch but minor if at all.
6 -7 weeks? Looks like they're just getting started tbqh
Thank you! My lights are about 12" away I have 2 Amazon 1000 watt LED's and I am growing them in 5 gallon fabric buckets with an organic blend of soil. It's an Indica strain called Northern Lights. I know I have already learned a few things one is I let them Veg to long and they got really tall before I went to flower that and I should have been more aggressive on my topping they are kind of all over the place on height but the smell is getting really good on them I am thinking maybe 2 more weeks? With all the effort I sure don't want to harvest them at the wrong time :)


Well-Known Member
post a closer picture of the top buds, I dunno but from your pic looks to me like it's still early flowering stage, I'd put that at 4 - 5 weeks not 6 - 7 like you say. And what Northern Lights is that? Some sources say NorthernLights is almost all afghan in origin, other's say it has Skunk#1 lineage (that I find hard to believe).


post a closer picture of the top buds, I dunno but from your pic looks to me like it's still early flowering stage, I'd put that at 4 - 5 weeks not 6 - 7 like you say. And what Northern Lights is that? Some sources say NorthernLights is almost all afghan in origin, other's say it has Skunk#1 lineage (that I find hard to believe).
Wished I could tell you more I bought them as starts at the local dispensary and they said they were Indica Northern Lights they sure have a skunk aroma if that tells anything. Here is a close photo of a bud I worry because what I have read they have a 40-50 day flowering I am at about 50 days now (At least that is when I cut the lights down to 12 hours) but I agree I think they can go longer as I am not seeing any amber at this point. Here is the best photo's up close that I could get with my camera... Also I have been watering every other day and feeding once a week is that to much. Thanks for the any help it's appreciated like I was saying this is my first harvest.


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Well-Known Member
Wished I could tell you more I bought them as starts at the local dispensary and they said they were Indica Northern Lights they sure have a skunk aroma if that tells anything. Here is a close photo of a bud I worry because what I have read they have a 40-50 day flowering I am at about 50 days now but I agree I think they can go longer as I am not seeing any amber at this point. Here is the best photo's up close that I could get with my camera... Also I have been watering every other day and feeding once a week is that to much. Thanks for the any help it's appreciated like I was saying this is my first harvest.
This is the long way home bro...


If you're in soil, don't water everyday. Get a moisture meter.
I water every other day and I use a moister meter and shows dry after 2 days sometimes 3 days. I have an auto waterer but I use it in manual and just trickle water for 15 minutes when I do water and then once a week I add my fertilizer in about a quart of water for each plant.


Well-Known Member
Roots in soil love a wet dry pattern. As the soil dries, t.he roots grow in Search of water. When you water, the plant grows In searc of reproduction. A healthy wet dry cycle must be maintained. That's all I'm saying.


Roots in soil love a wet dry pattern. As the soil dries, t.he roots grow in Search of water. When you water, the plant grows In searc of reproduction. A healthy wet dry cycle must be maintained. That's all I'm saying.
Ok thanks that was my thought to as I usually kind of let my plants tell me when to water when I see the leaves kind of dropping is when I water..