...it's legal cuz you're in Canada...
And there ain't no Canada in Québec, judging from this perspective!
I've heard some people even found mold.
Same observation here, though actually in a 1st-person situation...
Fuck the Canadian Mafia Government...
Some actions still require adequate words to be put on them and magic thinking won't shy them away.
Is it legal to do that there? I don't believe it is here even though recreational is legal.
English Canada feels like dancing, essentially. But there's no Canada in Québec it seems... Or maybe there is, just depends who, when and where!!
...it's TOO FUCKIN EXPENSIVE to buy legally!
And this is only the begining of a long series of legitimate critics yet to be made by credible politicians in our canuck Ottawa parliament, for starters... At least USA congressmen Steve Cohen (Tennessee) and Earl Blumenauer (Oregon) already demonstrated many years ago that they were able to accept and even
understand how
wrong it really is for politicians to allow self-serving instrumentalization of "marihuana" (...) for the evil purposes of any "elite":
E.G. including "legal"
violence (in presence of
deadly arms...) and/or theft on the account of
civil asset forfeiture, possibly seasoned with
children kidnappings,
coerced "
re-hab" with scientology-inspired "treatment" for people who didn't ask to be "saved", or simply threaths of
retro-active eviction procedures by manipulative landlords, etc., etc.
So, by completely
removing cannabis from any "schedule" it shall soon become possible in USA to re-align the very few rare institutional interventions truly required besides the needs of genuine Public Health, rather than serve socio-toxic ideologies perpetually failing to appy some fair notion of proportionality since around the Victorian age IMO!
The sacrifice that was paid is just too great to ignore, not to mention no legal mari-caca can ever buy my indifference and neither should it justify yours or anyone else i hope.
Good day, have fun!!