Does this look unhealthy?


Well-Known Member
Be brutal I won't be a bitch about it. Its 11 weeks old, pretty much a rescue that I don't have the heart to trash. It's an indica, I fucked it up a whole ton. It's got 3, 5, and 7 pointed leaves. I wanna get this over and done with and wanna know what y'all think. I germed it in GARBAGE rockwood then transferred it to soil after realizing I underestimated hydro, at least getting a seedling started, haven't made it past that. It literally didn't have a root system besides a single root poking out till it was like 6 weeks. I'm gonna keep it though and my first true attempt will be all soil and rooting a clipping in rockwool then hydro as I am kinda dumb. But ya it's about 8 inches tall, what would y'all do?



Well-Known Member
Be brutal I won't be a bitch about it. Its 11 weeks old, pretty much a rescue that I don't have the heart to trash. It's an indica, I fucked it up a whole ton. It's got 3, 5, and 7 pointed leaves. I wanna get this over and done with and wanna know what y'all think. I germed it in GARBAGE rockwood then transferred it to soil after realizing I underestimated hydro, at least getting a seedling started, haven't made it past that. It literally didn't have a root system besides a single root poking out till it was like 6 weeks. I'm gonna keep it though and my first true attempt will be all soil and rooting a clipping in rockwool then hydro as I am kinda dumb. But ya it's about 8 inches tall, what would y'all do?
Dam I almost didn’t see your last sentence but at least she’s green that’s always a plus. What kind of light are you using?


Well-Known Member
Dosnt look to bad . Maybe give it a nice feed , get her little bit greener and some micro's in there
What micros do you recommend. I have only been using Burpee Organic leafy green and herb. I have read there are better products but I am gonna use this stuff up first. I am ignorant to micros though.


Well-Known Member
What micros do you recommend. I have only been using Burpee Organic leafy green and herb. I have read there are better products but I am gonna use this stuff up first. I am ignorant to micros though.
For 11 weeks old that this is small very small. You’re currently in coco I’m positive of that which is a type of hydro. You need to be sure you are feeding at 5.7 to 6.0 and that plant is hungry as hell. Your light is good for now if possible I’d get either a couple more of those hlgs or a bigger light. I use 3 of those per clone table.


Well-Known Member
For 11 weeks old that this is small very small. You’re currently in coco I’m positive of that which is a type of hydro. You need to be sure you are feeding at 5.7 to 6.0 and that plant is hungry as hell. Your light is good for now if possible I’d get either a couple more of those hlgs or a bigger light. I use 3 of those per clone table.
It's not coco, I found these small bumps at the base of the main stem and found them to be root nubs. Dude that google popped up said to lay some top soil to possibly extend the root system. Its freshly watered yesterday with notes, it just looks dry cause I havent watered the new top soil as I overwatered this thing so bad it stayed an inch long seedling for 6 weeks.


Well-Known Member
It's not coco, I found these small bumps at the base of the main stem and found them to be root nubs. Dude that google popped up said to lay some top soil to possibly extend the root system. Its freshly watered yesterday with notes, it just looks dry cause I have watered the new top soil as I overwatered this thing so bad it stayed an inch long seedling for 6 weeks.
What’s the name of the soil used because I run soil and I’ve done coco and that looks like coco without a doubt.