Does this look unhealthy?


Well-Known Member
So I should always ph check water and should I worry about notes, do they have a ph?
Always ph yes. It says it has time released nutrients but considering it’s coco I highly doubt it’s still there. I’d feed them but currently they look over watered so give them a day or two


Well-Known Member
Always ph yes. It says it has time released nutrients but considering it’s coco I highly doubt it’s still there. I’d feed them but currently they look over watered so give them a day or two
Forsure gotcha, so how do I ph check the nutes, I just scoop the dosage out and spread it on top and water, am I doing it wrong? Should I ground them up? I am sorry total noob shit

I misread.I added nutes yesterday when I watered, same deal though, am I feeding it nutes correctly?
I mix mine up in gallon jugs or in a resevior then check ph. You're gonna want to get some cal-mag for coco and throw that in the mix too.
I don't know where you live but I live by the rule "if you can find it at the supermarket its probably not ideal for cannabis". There are some exceptions. Just my opinion and where I live it's legal to grow.
You can do really well even as a beginner with just fox farms soil and a good light. No nutrients.
Cocos its own bitch that you'll eventually love when you start dumping money into your nutes.
Simple fix would be to just repot in a bigger pot with soil. And coco is not soil.
Truely just my opinions brother. You can ask two growers the same question and we'll all ha e different answers! Good luck and have fun.


Well-Known Member
I mix mine up in gallon jugs or in a resevior then check ph. You're gonna want to get some cal-mag for coco and throw that in the mix too.
I don't know where you live but I live by the rule "if you can find it at the supermarket its probably not ideal for cannabis". There are some exceptions. Just my opinion and where I live it's legal to grow.
You can do really well even as a beginner with just fox farms soil and a good light. No nutrients.
Cocos its own bitch that you'll eventually love when you start dumping money into your nutes.
Simple fix would be to just repot in a bigger pot with soil. And coco is not soil.
Truely just my opinions brother. You can ask two growers the same question and we'll all ha e different answers! Good luck and have fun.
All fox farms soils will need to be fed at some point. You don’t have to dump money into nutrients to grow amazing plants.
We can all agree to disagree. Ive produced pounds using soil and a light in my begining years. I dont doubt my results wouldve been improved with better nutrient knowledge but a begginer can go a full grow with soil and a light with fox farms. Use bigger pots more soil more nutrients, bigger the roots bigger the fruits.


Well-Known Member
We can all agree to disagree. Ive produced pounds using soil and a light in my begining years. I dont doubt my results wouldve been improved with better nutrient knowledge but a begginer can go a full grow with soil and a light with fox farms. Use bigger pots more soil more nutrients, bigger the roots bigger the fruits.
tell that to the organic guys lmao