Too much humidity or normal for being in darkness at mid 50 degrees F?


Active Member
Was completely dry when i put it in darkness with a large cup over it in a cold area with a small hole for air to go in and out, came to put it back into light and seen a bunch of water droplets on it 20201219_182242.jpg
Isn't keeping a minimally interrupted day/night even in veg important though so it doesn't switch back and forth in how it operates internally? And who tf has 50 degree temps in the kitchen?? Lmao y'all be too lit
Throw it under a CFL “ at least “ .....6500k Daylight equiv ..... keep it warm and that’s pretty much it for now.
I pretty much know what I'm doing with it, or so i think lol was just curious about the amount of droplets on the leaf tips, i keep it warm when it's getting light and purposely leave it in cold darkness
They sre givingyou answers....

1,Leave the cup off top
2,Dont put in a cold dark place where people can come in and out for stuff and turn lights on...
Why are you changing its room for lights on and off why csnt you leave where it is and just turn the light off?