Stunned :|???


Well-Known Member
Hey so I think one or two of my purps have been stunned.

I thought 1 of them was stunned just before i put them into flowering, but I didn't think much of it.
Now all the plants are growing while these 2 are still the same size. 1 is still gaining new roots, which im pretty sure he's not stunned. Butt the 1 guy who looked stunned since veg still hasnt grown any new roots.

Anyone wanna confirm that this plant is stunned?
If so what would be my best bet to fast recovery?


Well-Known Member
in the first pic, it's the one in the middle of the 3 on the right.
n yeah on the second their on the very right.


Well-Known Member
and what do i do to add some magnesium..
i read everywhere n it just tells me it needs MAGNESIUM!
but howw and what do i do to give it some?


Well-Known Member
What do you think stunned them?

Oh yeah, you can feed them magnesium by using Epsom salt. I can't remember the dosage.


Well-Known Member
What do you think stunned them?

Oh yeah, you can feed them magnesium by using Epsom salt. I can't remember the dosage.
i think it was from toomuch nutrients n water n not enough oxygen.
one of my purps actually went from top of the bunch, to dead in 4 days. n that was definitely because of lockup.

n thanks, do i just ad the dosage right into my resivour while they are growing or should i take them out, add it, wait for a couple mins then put them back in.

and if i used too much, could anything bad happen?


Well-Known Member
yeah just 1 tablespoon per gallon?
anyone else have any input?

n btw i just like getting more than 1 persons opinion during my grows. not doubting you at all d/w:P



Well-Known Member
oh and also, am i able to add it in with all the other plants?
or should I just add it to the res with the stunned plants only?



Well-Known Member
boil the epsom salts in water first to fully dissolve. let cool. add to the res with the affected plants. you can add to other if same strain maybe athalf dosage


Well-Known Member
First, you have WAY too many plants in that one rez. Even if its just the veg rez the roots will prob be tangled by the time you seperate for flowering. By the time those get big you will be lucky to have enough room for 2 plants....and thats if you LST them.

Second, If you add epsiom salt to the rez it will throw you pH off so much and so fast that your plants will prob be dead within days.

Third, Some plants just dont make it. Chances are it was just a weak genes that cuased it to not grow right. Or it could be a form of stress that caused the stunted growth. Sometimes you have to learn to just let go.


Well-Known Member
First, you have WAY too many plants in that one rez. Even if its just the veg rez the roots will prob be tangled by the time you seperate for flowering. By the time those get big you will be lucky to have enough room for 2 plants....and thats if you LST them.

Second, If you add epsiom salt to the rez it will throw you pH off so much and so fast that your plants will prob be dead within days.

Third, Some plants just dont make it. Chances are it was just a weak genes that cuased it to not grow right. Or it could be a form of stress that caused the stunted growth. Sometimes you have to learn to just let go.
you need to smoke a joint man fuck long day at work or what?
haha n btw they are in flowering, I am keeping them as small as i can keep them at for SOG. and i will be putting them farther apart, but yeah it will be a tight fit.


Well-Known Member
boil the epsom salts in water first to fully dissolve. let cool. add to the res with the affected plants. you can add to other if same strain maybe athalf dosage
alright well I have the three purps and the 5 blue saige in the same res. do you think it'll still be fine for the other good ones?

and I will be adding new water and new nutrients when i put the epsom salts in the water, so i adjust my ph then and hopefully it will stay at 5.8.

has anyone had any rapid ph changes after an hour or so of having the epsom salts in their res? or is it fine and stays the same afetr u adjust it the first time?



Well-Known Member
never had a problem with ph and epsom salts. ph the water with the salts before you put it in and again when topped off. then check in hour or two. simple.


Well-Known Member
never had a problem with ph and epsom salts. ph the water with the salts before you put it in and again when topped off. then check in hour or two. simple.
alright man thanks again!
and yes, it is fine for the other plants who are doing good to have some epsom salts?
not gonna over-do them will it?


Well-Known Member
you need to smoke a joint man fuck long day at work or what?
haha n btw they are in flowering, I am keeping them as small as i can keep them at for SOG. and i will be putting them farther apart, but yeah it will be a tight fit.
Anytime i have used salt it throws my pH off and i end up fighting it twice a day for the next week or two till i change the rez. You are using a 3 part should be getting plenty of Mag.
I say your plants are just slower than the rest.....but whatever, do what you need to do.

Best of luck to ya.

BTW...i dont need to "smoke a joint". I was just trying to help before you fuct up your whole grow.


Well-Known Member
Anytime i have used salt it throws my pH off and i end up fighting it twice a day for the next week or two till i change the rez. You are using a 3 part should be getting plenty of Mag.
I say your plants are just slower than the rest.....but whatever, do what you need to do.

Best of luck to ya.

BTW...i dont need to "smoke a joint". I was just trying to help before you fuct up your whole grow.
haha fine if you won't i will.
n i know but usually people like to respond in a positive way. sry but urs were just all negative:P


Well-Known Member
I agree that maybe some of those plants may be slower growers but I can see the beginning of Mg deficiency in all of them. Many, many people use a 3 part nutes that should contain enough mg but if you look around these posts, 60% or more have an mg deficiency which is actually quite common in indoor strains right around the beginning and middle of flowering.
if you are afraid of the ph fluctuation, you can just as easily foliar feed them for a while. I even use CalMag and still the deficiency will persist-like once they have the deficiency full blown it is hard to ever get them back to normal. all IMHO of course.
It also could be that most advise a ph of 5.8 or less for hydro yet Mg gets locked out at anything below 6. You can try adding the epsom salts to your res and keep the ph at 6.1 for a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
I grow in soil, and used Epsoms as a foliar feed. Didn't work as quickly as I'd hoped, BUT! If your problems are rooted in over-fertilization, then I think you might want to step back, get things back to where they should be and then reassess the situation. I've never grown hydro, but I've grown plenty of fish, and with some it can just be too easy to over-do things.