Insomniacs Unite!!!!

@Aeroknow what's good bro? What's got you up so early in the morning?

Wut up ninja?
I go to bed so early, it just happens. Pretty much how it’s been for a long time with me from when in the trades to just gardening. Go to bed around 8 and automatically get up around 3-4. I had to do a bunch of early morning gardening Sat & Sun that i’m still a little off. Been up since like 2
Good morning. Got my 4 hours of sleep. Gonna try for 2 more but I'll probably just stare at the back of my eyelids. I really thought I was going to make it through the night. I smoked a lot last night more than usual, hoping I would sleep through the night.
I still won't dig into edibles, just not for me. I'm out on the couch, just smoked a bowl watching south park.
I'll find a nap in here somewhere

Good morning. Got my 4 hours of sleep. Gonna try for 2 more but I'll probably just stare at the back of my eyelids. I really thought I was going to make it through the night. I smoked a lot last night more than usual, hoping I would sleep through the night.
I still won't dig into edibles, just not for me. I'm out on the couch, just smoked a bowl watching south park.
I'll find a nap in here somewhere

You don’t eat gummies little brother?
Been up for a while now. I'm bored. Only so much I can do at 3am. I think I need to start figuring out this sleep thing. Working off 4 hours of sleep is just not cutting it. There's not much on tv at this time. South park. Meh could be worse, could be the Simpsons.


I love the simpsons. Ever see Big mouth? Funny as hell

I tried to lay down at 9pm just to try...... watched TV till after midnight...... woke up at 3 now back up since 6 :(
I am.

Been up for quite a while. Normal when i go to bed at 7 lol
Woke up and started trolling some dude.
Been up for quite a while. Normal when i go to bed at 7 lol
Woke up and started trolling some dude.
