Root rot in bloom? Please help me find a solution.


Well-Known Member
Unless you have a recirculating rez DWC system I don't think you should throw the frozen bottles of water in your rez. The frozen water bottles might touch the roots and shock them.

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
Are the roots suspended in the solution? I just place my cooler packs beside the rez on the outside so they dont' damage the roots.
Ah so I shouldn't let them actually touch the roots? I will do as you do and place them on the outside of my rez.

Yeah they are suspended under the water.

It is not a
recirculating rez. It would simplify my cleaning routine if it was, but I haven't gotten to the point where I can afford to setup a system like that. I am just graduating high school this month, I still work off of allowance and good grade money. I don't think I can even afford a AC right now.. I don't know how I will buy it even though I need one badly. It's going to be summer soon and it is only going to get hotter.


Well-Known Member
Hi sc In the grow faq there is some anwser that you are looking for.Heat in the res causes the wrong bacteria to grow and cause root rot.You said the res temp is 88 degrees,way to hot,and the room temp 90 degrees way to hot.Do you have fresh air intake and exhaust,do you have a fan moving air in the room?Cool the room down some.You can take a rubber maid tub and set your bucket in it and put some ice around it.That way you dont take a chance on freezeing the roots.The res temp should be from 64 degree to 68 degrees is the best temps but up to 75 degrees is ok.All the nutrs in the world will not help the plant when the room and res water is that hot,just get it cooled down and I think the plant will recover.If you cant use a rubbermaid tub double up plastic trash bags and use them to hold the ice.Well thats all I got .PEACE :blsmoke:

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
Does the hydrogen peroxide help? Does your resevoir receive light?

The H202 did nothing and my rez did not have a light proof seal around its edges so now I cover it with a towel during its light period. The towel seems to help the most. But they both could have worked together. Now I have replaced my H202 with this SM - 90 stuff that smells like lemons and pine.
I hope it re-grows or heals my roots it cost me like 22$...


Stargrl Chi

Active Member
Hi sc In the grow faq there is some anwser that you are looking for.Heat in the res causes the wrong bacteria to grow and cause root rot.You said the res temp is 88 degrees,way to hot,and the room temp 90 degrees way to hot.Do you have fresh air intake and exhaust,do you have a fan moving air in the room?Cool the room down some.You can take a rubber maid tub and set your bucket in it and put some ice around it.That way you dont take a chance on freezeing the roots.The res temp should be from 64 degree to 68 degrees is the best temps but up to 75 degrees is ok.All the nutrs in the world will not help the plant when the room and res water is that hot,just get it cooled down and I think the plant will recover.If you cant use a rubbermaid tub double up plastic trash bags and use them to hold the ice.Well thats all I got .PEACE :blsmoke:
Nice advice! Thanks for telling me about that. Sometimes the simplest solutions evade me. Multitasking really effects my train of thought when I am so busy. Finals are coming up and I am really freakin booked.

Thanks everyone, for helping me fight these problems. I am pretty sure that these solutions will help me out a lot.

I plan to use my huge storage tub for a moisture catch and instead of ice I will probably use frozen water bottles to cool the outside of my rez.

Sadly I do not have any air exchange in my grow chamber the only thing I have in there circulating her air is this cheap little 8 inch wide fan I have going all the time. I just completed the structure and some small parts of it still need to be light proofed. o.o'

I have about 20$ left in my pocket until this weekend. I don't know what I am going to do then either. That is not enough for a air exchange system or a AC. Plus my fuckin step mom is bitching at my dad for giving me money for my grow and he is reluctant to help me right now. My step mother is really cruel.

I open the chamber every night and air it out with my big standing fan it blasts fresh air in there for like 30 min to 1 hour and then its closed up for the rest of the day and night.

What can I do to improve the air exchange in my unfinished chamber until I have more $?

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
can we see a picture of your resevoir?
Yeah, here is my setup:

^ Here is the pic of my tiny rezivoir! See it?

And my chamber door:

^ That door is light proofed with black duck tape on both sides and the bottom now I just need to do the top
and one hole in the side of the chamber you can't see.


Well-Known Member
Black absorbs light which in turn creates more heat. The lighter the color the better, preferably flat white or mylar which is 95% reflective. White spray paint is cheap though.

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
Black absorbs light which in turn creates more heat. The lighter the color the better, preferably flat white or mylar which is 95% reflective. White spray paint is cheap though.

Yeah, shouldn't I wait to paint it white untill there is no more PK growing in there?


Well-Known Member
Here's what I have for intake air vent.It stops light and vents the grow chamber.One at the top and one at the at the bottom has a 3"x3" muffle fan pushing in and the top has no fan.The pix and drawing is a dark room vent.I made to vent the grow chamber.I made it out out thin ply wood.But you can make it out of cardbroad and duct tape.The vent is 14" long x7' wlde x 8" deep.Just cut the hole to fit the vent and install it .it will help get air in and out of the grow can put a 3rd on the top of the box too.Heat rises up. Peace :joint:



Well-Known Member
Here the other pix that wouldnt upload Peace I dont know why or how but i can upload two pixs of the same size but not this one thats the same size.I dont know


Well-Known Member
What up Stargrl - Those pics of your roots are TRULY disturbing. I can't get them out of my head! Nightmares! Looks like everyone is really trying to help you out; check out TOKE's advice, it was right on. I'm a firsttimer, but, with all due respect, I don't know how you got this far with conditions like you have!! Those girls must REALLY have some love for you; I don't know how they haven't given up completely. Two things I've learned during my brief education at this site: res water must be cool, and the more air the better.
Take those few bucks you have left, and try to pick up some more airstones. Warm res water holds less oxygen, from what I've learned. Go to walmart and buy whatever airstones you can afford - the 14" ones are about 3.50!! Get whichever ones will fit in your res, pick up some T's and some extra airhose. This might not help your temps all that much, but at least you'll be putting more air in that water that's cooking.. jeez. Also, I know money's tight, but freeze packs are COLDER than ice, and they last MUCH longer. The small ones are like a buck each. Get ALOT! I don't think you've posted a pic of your res yet, even though ALL have asked. You need something that fits around it, but with just enough space to keep whatever ice type stuff you're using SNUG against the outside of your res. Yeah, as many growers would agree, it's half-assed, but it does work. PLUS, with that kick ass light you've got (shit, you should've gone with cfl's... then you might be able to SPLURGE for a freaking FAN!! maybe even a thermometer!), you need to block the ice and the res from the heat! Get rid of that black ass HOT plastic. You can pick up those cheap "insulated" beach bag things at your local market... wrap your res, or at least the portion of the ice that's exposed. Or at least get some reflective film, or panda film, or that fake mylar from the $1 store, and just reflect the light away from the res. AGAIN, stargrl, I'm an inexperienced newjack. Make sure to check this advice with some serious growers. But, you've got SO MANY probs, you've gotta at least eliminate SOME. Even with my inexperience, I know there's no MAGIC BULLET. At this point in your grow, you really should know SOME of this stuff... READ, baby, READ! I wish you the BEST of luck, Stargrl. At the very least, you'll be prepared for the next round... Seriously, if you save DO end up saving your girls, I want some of what YOU got:shock: ! Peace, good luck! :peace:


Well-Known Member
What up Stargrl - Those pics of your roots are TRULY disturbing. I can't get them out of my head! Nightmares! Looks like everyone is really trying to help you out; check out TOKE's advice, it was right on. I'm a firsttimer, but, with all due respect, I don't know how you got this far with conditions like you have!! Those girls must REALLY have some love for you; I don't know how they haven't given up completely. Two things I've learned during my brief education at this site: res water must be cool, and the more air the better.
Take those few bucks you have left, and try to pick up some more airstones. Warm res water holds less oxygen, from what I've learned. Go to walmart and buy whatever airstones you can afford - the 14" ones are about 3.50!! Get whichever ones will fit in your res, pick up some T's and some extra airhose. This might not help your temps all that much, but at least you'll be putting more air in that water that's cooking.. jeez. Also, I know money's tight, but freeze packs are COLDER than ice, and they last MUCH longer. The small ones are like a buck each. Get ALOT! I don't think you've posted a pic of your res yet, even though ALL have asked. You need something that fits around it, but with just enough space to keep whatever ice type stuff you're using SNUG against the outside of your res. Yeah, as many growers would agree, it's half-assed, but it does work. PLUS, with that kick ass light you've got (shit, you should've gone with cfl's... then you might be able to SPLURGE for a freaking FAN!! maybe even a thermometer!), you need to block the ice and the res from the heat! Get rid of that black ass HOT plastic. You can pick up those cheap "insulated" beach bag things at your local market... wrap your res, or at least the portion of the ice that's exposed. Or at least get some reflective film, or panda film, or that fake mylar from the $1 store, and just reflect the light away from the res. AGAIN, stargrl, I'm an inexperienced newjack. Make sure to check this advice with some serious growers. But, you've got SO MANY probs, you've gotta at least eliminate SOME. Even with my inexperience, I know there's no MAGIC BULLET. At this point in your grow, you really should know SOME of this stuff... READ, baby, READ! I wish you the BEST of luck, Stargrl. At the very least, you'll be prepared for the next round... Seriously, if you save DO end up saving your girls, I want some of what YOU got:shock: ! Peace, good luck! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Welocme Stargrl Chi.
What up with the blanket?
Is it possible for the light to get thru the blanket and to the roots?
You do not want the roots to get any light at all, nill, none, zilch.

You may want to look into using peroxide (h2o2) for the root rot.

Happy growing..

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
Here's what I have for intake air vent.It stops light and vents the grow chamber.One at the top and one at the at the bottom has a 3"x3" muffle fan pushing in and the top has no fan.The pix and drawing is a dark room vent.I made to vent the grow chamber.I made it out out thin ply wood.But you can make it out of cardbroad and duct tape.The vent is 14" long x7' wlde x 8" deep.Just cut the hole to fit the vent and install it .it will help get air in and out of the grow can put a 3rd on the top of the box too.Heat rises up. Peace :joint:
Wow, thanks for those pictures. I can definitely make something like that out of cardboard and duck tape. I'm going to try it. Maybe this weekend.

My dad came through! Suddenly this morning he gave me money! I got enough to buy a small air ventilation system.


Hopefully I will have it bought and installed by later this morning or this evening.


Stargrl Chi

Active Member
What up Stargrl - Those pics of your roots are TRULY disturbing. I can't get them out of my head! Nightmares! Looks like everyone is really trying to help you out; check out TOKE's advice, it was right on. I'm a firsttimer, but, with all due respect, I don't know how you got this far with conditions like you have!! Those girls must REALLY have some love for you; I don't know how they haven't given up completely. Two things I've learned during my brief education at this site: res water must be cool, and the more air the better.
Take those few bucks you have left, and try to pick up some more airstones. Warm res water holds less oxygen, from what I've learned. Go to walmart and buy whatever airstones you can afford - the 14" ones are about 3.50!! Get whichever ones will fit in your res, pick up some T's and some extra airhose. This might not help your temps all that much, but at least you'll be putting more air in that water that's cooking.. jeez. Also, I know money's tight, but freeze packs are COLDER than ice, and they last MUCH longer. The small ones are like a buck each. Get ALOT! I don't think you've posted a pic of your res yet, even though ALL have asked. You need something that fits around it, but with just enough space to keep whatever ice type stuff you're using SNUG against the outside of your res. Yeah, as many growers would agree, it's half-assed, but it does work. PLUS, with that kick ass light you've got (shit, you should've gone with cfl's... then you might be able to SPLURGE for a freaking FAN!! maybe even a thermometer!), you need to block the ice and the res from the heat! Get rid of that black ass HOT plastic. You can pick up those cheap "insulated" beach bag things at your local market... wrap your res, or at least the portion of the ice that's exposed. Or at least get some reflective film, or panda film, or that fake mylar from the $1 store, and just reflect the light away from the res. AGAIN, stargrl, I'm an inexperienced newjack. Make sure to check this advice with some serious growers. But, you've got SO MANY probs, you've gotta at least eliminate SOME. Even with my inexperience, I know there's no MAGIC BULLET. At this point in your grow, you really should know SOME of this stuff... READ, baby, READ! I wish you the BEST of luck, Stargrl. At the very least, you'll be prepared for the next round... Seriously, if you save DO end up saving your girls, I want some of what YOU got:shock: ! Peace, good luck! :peace:
Heh, thank you Jazzman for taking the time to write me so many solutions. Today and this weekend I will be doing many things to try and apply all those suggestions.

I will definitely post some more pics of my rez and what I am doing to lower the temp. There is a small old one on pg 3 it turned into a link so you can't see it unless you click it.

Actually I only have one little girl and she is a bit stunted because of her many problems in life. But this hydro grow (my third) will definitely be a learning experience for me!


Well-Known Member
the one thing that has worried me about sticking the dwc unit into another tub with cold water around the humidity problem that I would encounter...did you ever think about that? Just throwing out things for you to consider and etc.


Well-Known Member
What's up Reeffer - Good call man. But I didn't mean water in the outside tub. Even ice might cause humidity problems. If you're going that route, as a last resort, make sure you monitor your humidity closely, and that your gauge is accurate. For a damaged, and/or stressed plant, high temps, and the resulting high res temps, leave them open to root disease. Even higher res temps that would be considered acceptable for a healthy plant can cause all sorts or problems for a sick one. The ice would probably work, but the water you're left over with, and the potential for the EVIL MOLD/MILDEW would be almost worse than what you started with. Ice packs work really well: they last much longer, and are actually colder than ice. And, obviously, there's only a small amount of condensation to deal with. If the humidity in your space is naturally low, like mine, this is plus - but it's a few points, at most. I use a tiny bit of H202 in the bottom of the outside tub to take care of the small amount of residual water, until I can cool it down again, or just towel it up. Until my wallet fattens up again, I'll be doing this crazy routine for the rest of the summer. Good growin to all, PEACE.