How much do you suppose a presidential pardon costs?

Just sitting here thinking how much the so called leader of our country is charging for a pardon? Don't think its not so far fetched considering he'll likely just pardon himself before leaving office. :shock:
Behind Trump Clemency, a Case Study in Special Access
Philip Esformes was sentenced last year to 20 years for Medicare fraud. Then a well-connected organization supported by his family weighed in with the White House.
Philip Esformes is a man driven by almost unbounded greed,” Denise M. Stemen, an agent in the F.B.I.’s Miami field office, said last year after Mr. Esformes, 52, a nursing home operator, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for the two-decade scheme that involved an estimated $1.3 billion worth of fraudulent claims.
That prison term ended suddenly this week, when President Trump commuted what remained of Mr. Esformes’s sentence.


Trump’s Most Disgusting Pardons
Blackwater mercenaries committed a massacre. Now they’ll go free.
The youngest victim of the 2007 massacre in Baghdad’s Nisour Square, committed by Blackwater mercenaries whom Donald Trump pardoned on Tuesday, was a 9-year-old boy named Ali Kinani.
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Donald hasn't hit his stride with pardon's yet, these were just testing the waters, a couple of dozen at a time. Next it will be Kylie Rittenhouse and Dylan Roof as a media distraction, while he slides in the family member pardons. Then it will be the pardon of the cops who murdered George Floyd to keep the media off the pardons of his associates. There are plenty of outrageous pardons to sprinkle in to distract the media and public while he slips in the important pardons. He might have to announce his own self pardon before he leaves though, so he will need a war or something big to distract from that one.

Pardoning those cops who killed George Floyd would please the base and sure trigger the libs, it might even fill the streets with protesters and could be used to call for the insurrection act. Thinking like Donald is easy, once you remove a conscience, morals, ethics, or any values from the equation and understand what you are dealing with, low IQ, delusion and all. If he doesn't pardon these assholes, it will be because he never thought of it, some speculation on Foxnews or Newsmax would do the trick though. These would provide good distractions and be very popular with the base, even the "nice" people will be pleased, though they might express some "concern". Not many republican politicians would say anything either, except to praise the president's wisdom in these matters.
Behind Trump Clemency, a Case Study in Special Access
Philip Esformes was sentenced last year to 20 years for Medicare fraud. Then a well-connected organization supported by his family weighed in with the White House.
Philip Esformes is a man driven by almost unbounded greed,” Denise M. Stemen, an agent in the F.B.I.’s Miami field office, said last year after Mr. Esformes, 52, a nursing home operator, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for the two-decade scheme that involved an estimated $1.3 billion worth of fraudulent claims.
That prison term ended suddenly this week, when President Trump commuted what remained of Mr. Esformes’s sentence.

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Trump’s Most Disgusting Pardons
Blackwater mercenaries committed a massacre. Now they’ll go free.
The youngest victim of the 2007 massacre in Baghdad’s Nisour Square, committed by Blackwater mercenaries whom Donald Trump pardoned on Tuesday, was a 9-year-old boy named Ali Kinani.
How has our government come to this?
Racism, this is a cold civil war, the last one was a hot one, the issue is the same, human rights for African Americans (and others too now). You should have about the same number of casualties, both in dead and maimed as the first hot one though. This time it was a virus and not mini balls, but the results are the same, though this time the death toll should be well over half a million before it's over and a real accounting of the dead is made.

72 million Americans couldn't get enough of it though and desperately wanted four more years (forever actually). They don't want the constitution or the rule of law either, they can't get what they really want with in the constitution, genocide for tens of millions of their fellow citizens. You MAGA by making the brown people "disappear like magic", that is the final solution they really want and the logical end to their "struggle". Their road leads nowhere else but to this end, don't kid yourself, even if many of them do.

BTW Merry Christmas
How has our government come to this?
We got busy, got in debt, got overworked, got stretched thin, and started treating government like it was a team sport, a spectator sport, ‘cause our attention was pulled in too many directions at once and we couldn’t keep track, so we stopped really paying attention to it, and just started cussing it. And worrying. As if there weren’t *enough* going on.
Did you read the first headline about the fraudulent claims guy. 1.3 billion WTF. Is the world blind?
The same sour note is sounded by each of his pardons, like each one is a custom-crafted fuck-you to *somebody*, or group of somebodies. Not ONE of them passes the smell test for worthiness; this is THE most craven display of ‘sales of indulgences’ since the Borgia popes.
We got busy, got in debt, got overworked, got stretched thin, and started treating government like it was a team sport, a spectator sport, ‘cause our attention was pulled in too many directions at once and we couldn’t keep track, so we stopped really paying attention to it, and just started cussing it. And worrying. As if there weren’t *enough* going on.
When there is time to pay attention to politics, they are snowed under with disinformation and bullshit non issues. Qanon, Jesus, prayer in school, what bathrooms the LBGQT people should use and Benghazi! Just blow the dog whistle into the bull horn and they will come running like you were ringing the dinner bell.

I could spent 10 years watching the documentaries produced this year about real serious problems and issues facing America. None of them even make the news, but some bullshit non issue dreamed up by some republican operative takes up weeks of air time. Donald and his issues completely consumed the oxygen in the room for the past four years, there wasn't much else in the news, except for covid and that was mostly about Trump too.
We got busy, got in debt, got overworked, got stretched thin, and started treating government like it was a team sport, a spectator sport, ‘cause our attention was pulled in too many directions at once and we couldn’t keep track, so we stopped really paying attention to it, and just started cussing it. And worrying. As if there weren’t *enough* going on.
Problems have always been there, laying in wait. Waiting for a group of people who dared exploit them and to do it in a evil and corrupt way. Kind of like filing for bankruptcy 6 times and defrauding thousands of people with families to support. It's shitty but it's legal I guess.
When there is time to pay attention to politics, they are snowed under with disinformation and bullshit non issues. Qanon, Jesus, prayer in school, what bathrooms the LBGQT people should use and Benghazi! Just blow the dog whistle into the bull horn and they will come running like you were ringing the dinner bell.

I could spent 10 years watching the documentaries produced this year about real serious problems and issues facing America. None of them even make the news, but some bullshit non issue dreamed up by some republican operative takes up weeks of air time. Donald and his issues completely consumed the oxygen in the room for the past four years, there wasn't much else in the news, except for covid and that was mostly about Trump too.
I feel the stress of the last 4 years has taken years off of my life. Not to mention what 2020 has done. Here's hoping 2021 goes better than the last 4 years have.
I feel the stress of the last 4 years has taken years off of my life. Not to mention what 2020 has done. Here's hoping 2021 goes better than the last 4 years have.
I hope for a better future for America too and figure those Americans who want that future will get active and fight like Hell for it, even if it's learning the skills to change one heart and mind at a time. If you can divide the Trumpers (the future name for racist idiots of all kinds), you can win and Donald is doing a great job of dividing them now. Win Georgia and exploit the victory where it counts, focus on destroying disinformation with new laws and FCC regulations, HR-1 on steroids and other things to level the playing field. Go after political corruption with detailed investigations of all members of congress and bring back a few thousand retired FBI agents to handle the load. Corruption is a national security threat and the republican conmen are very vulnerable to investigation, much more so than the democrats. Corrupt democrats are just as bad as corrupt republicans make examples of them all.

I have hope for America in the long term, but if you win the senate use the power and get very aggressive in certain critical areas to survive the short term. This is not politics, they have declared themselves to be enemies of the constitution and those who claim to support it have not rejected or put distance between themselves and the traitors. They have not spoken out for the constitution or defended and protected it and are unworthy to hold office.

Take heart, the patriots haven't even begun to fight yet and Trump's sheep will be sheered, slaughtered and scattered. You have many tens of millions of patriots at your back, just as racism and bigotry are conditioned biases, so too is the love of country called patriotism. The country rests on the foundation of the constitution, attack that and you attack the country. They have awakened a sleeping giant and it will destroy them, the free ride is over for them.