How Does Your Garden Grow??????

My unknown store bought Fla lemons took 45F with no effects. Low as I dared due to forgetfulness.

Do you have any citrus available. I only gift and trade. Cannot find a lime with a mature seed for anything. We consume many.
I've got the two orange trees WC gave that have been producing about 5 years. One thing and another has killed all the sprouts from them I've had over the years. I do have about 50-75 orange trees growing in the pines down at the river field. They are not as cold resistant and they have been killed back to the roots a time or two. None of them have produced fruit. Also there was this little hurricane call Micheal. . . . .

My cousin's honey man bought a house after the hurricane that has tons of fruit trees, all seedling stock. That is where the pink grapefruit and pomelo came from. I have a few lemon seeds from the BIL, as well as from where Sister is working. And some regular grapefruit from one of Sister's friends. I have enough seeds to share if you would like a few.
Strawberry melons? New to me. I have melons down. Re payed my theft of musk melons as a youth tending a masters yard and garden chores. LOl. Worth every ill gotten bite.
I had never heard of them. He made really good money off about half an acre of the melons. But as much as I tried, he wouldn't share those seeds.

When we truck farmed, peas and melons were my bread and butter. We always had at least an acre of each going. When I got out of it, it was several years before I gardened again. I've said that as much time and money as I put into my garden these days, the first SOB that stops and offers me 5 bucks for a melon might get a cussing instead. lol
I've got the two orange trees WC gave that have been producing about 5 years. One thing and another has killed all the sprouts from them I've had over the years. I do have about 50-75 orange trees growing in the pines down at the river field. They are not as cold resistant and they have been killed back to the roots a time or two. None of them have produced fruit. Also there was this little hurricane call Micheal. . . . .

My cousin's honey man bought a house after the hurricane that has tons of fruit trees, all seedling stock. That is where the pink grapefruit and pomelo came from. I have a few lemon seeds from the BIL, as well as from where Sister is working. And some regular grapefruit from one of Sister's friends. I have enough seeds to share if you would like a few.
Looking for smaller fruits. 7-8 foot topping here. Move ability thing. Not expecting fruit for a few. But the benefits the trees alone brought into our house are worth the fuss. Fresh lemon scent and potent lemon oil from leaves for food prep. Amazing and suggested to all.
Looking for smaller fruits. 7-8 foot topping here. Move ability thing. Not expecting fruit for a few. But the benefits the trees alone brought into our house are worth the fuss. Fresh lemon scent and potent lemon oil from leaves for food prep. Amazing and suggested to all.
Yea, these all make big trees. I have seen orange trees in pots. I guess you could control plant size to some degree with pot size. Or just keep pruning.
Yea, these all make big trees. I have seen orange trees in pots. I guess you could control plant size to some degree with pot size. Or just keep pruning.
Had my share of trees indoors. Desperately pursued bonsai for years. Sadly girls took precedent then. Married. Over it. Better learned for it. LOL.
Had my share of trees indoors. Desperately pursued bonsai for years. Sadly girls took precedent then. Married. Over it. Better learned for it. LOL.
I'm good at starting things, but not always there for the long haul. My bonsai would be 6 feet before I realized it. lol

Yea, the little pots of sprouts are about all the room I have for plants indoors. We were talking about putting in a greenhouse, but then we bought the river house, so that got put on hold. Down there it will have to go on high ground, and that is up by the road. Not ideal if Florida ever goes legal.
I'm good at starting things, but not always there for the long haul. My bonsai would be 6 feet before I realized it. lol

Yea, the little pots of sprouts are about all the room I have for plants indoors. We were talking about putting in a greenhouse, but then we bought the river house, so that got put on hold. Down there it will have to go on high ground, and that is up by the road. Not ideal if Florida ever goes legal.
Tree houses are dream come true. Built some stealth platforms in my questionable days.
Tree houses are dream come true. Built some stealth platforms in my questionable days.
Before the hurricane I did have issues finding sunny spots in the woods. Now it's all sunny, but it takes a chainsaw to make a trail. I've used the same holes for years, and some of them are too open now. Others just can't be got to. It's been two years, so there are some new trees coming along.
Before the hurricane I did have issues finding sunny spots in the woods. Now it's all sunny, but it takes a chainsaw to make a trail. I've used the same holes for years, and some of them are too open now. Others just can't be got to. It's been two years, so there are some new trees coming along.
Apologies for my delay. Have a friend running his inherited hosta facility there. Hard times there to.

My gen is slowly migrating to retirement hell. You'll be legal in no time.
I've got less than a month left to my fifties, so I'm part of that migration myself.
Not enough hours in a day. Let my son's lemon get dry. One more day and a break.

Migrating North. Hopefully deserted and off grid. I prefer natural. Garden will keep us sane.
Fall planted Fava beans growing slowly.


Exciting news on the citrus front. Firstly the Pomelo are growing. They will have to go into separate pots this week, No sprouts on any of the WC Oranges yet, but it hasn't been that long.

pomelo 2.PNG
But what got me to shouting, and scarring the cats off the porch. . . . . .

Several years ago Cousin Johnny gave me a little tangerine tree. I planted it close to the house. Too close in fact. A few years back when it was chest high or so, I dug it up and planted it out by the garden under a big oak (pre-Micheal). The oak went down in the hurricane and last winter the tree got killed back by frost. But in the mean time, there was another tree that came up from the roots by the house. It's got to be 10-12 foot since then. The wife and I just walked out to get the mail, and on the way back I noted a tangerine on the tree. The first one. It's rotted, but I will still get a ladder and pick it for the seeds.

The fruit is way up toward the top, where the frost killed back the leaves. I took a bunch of closeups with the zoom, but this is the best of the bunch.


This is an interesting set up using your own medium
Great little tool. I do waste tons of seeds, but I make most of them myself. I start seeds in aluminium baking trays, only potting the good sprouts.

But speaking of plastic, one of my neighbors has an old nursery that is no longer used. He brings me a load of pots every time he goes down there, but one day he is going to dig a big hole and push everything into it. I need to go down and pull dead trees out of pots. Of if they are like my old tree growing operation, pulling live trees from pots.
Great little tool. I do waste tons of seeds, but I make most of them myself. I start seeds in aluminium baking trays, only potting the good sprouts.

But speaking of plastic, one of my neighbors has an old nursery that is no longer used. He brings me a load of pots every time he goes down there, but one day he is going to dig a big hole and push everything into it. I need to go down and pull dead trees out of pots. Of if they are like my old tree growing operation, pulling live trees from pots.
I lucked out and got a bunch of 1, 3, 5,10 gal pots from a nursery going out of biz about 6 years ago. They were made out of that really heavy duty plastic and are still holding up. The ones I see in stores now are that really flimsy stuff unless I order online and they are $$$.
I like the thought behind the fancy playdough press. Yet I recycle my plastic trays and cube trays. Have some around 5 or 6 seasons now. Weed is the only thing I ruin them for. And how hard is it to dump some seed starter, scrape once(to level), plant seeds.

And if you can get this starter. Wow. Best in my years. I'll endorse it.

I lucked out and got a bunch of 1, 3, 5,10 gal pots from a nursery going out of biz about 6 years ago. They were made out of that really heavy duty plastic and are still holding up. The ones I see in stores now are that really flimsy stuff unless I order online and they are $$$.
I know a landscape/nursery owner who gives me as many pots of any size that I want. Of course I always recommend his business if anyone ask for a landscaper.

My treat to myself for Christmas was a 2” soil block maker . I have never used one but that’s about to change.
I know a landscape/nursery owner who gives me as many pots of any size that I want. Of course I always recommend his business if anyone ask for a landscaper.

My treat to myself for Christmas was a 2” soil block maker . I have never used one but that’s about to change.
Have an acquaintance at big box store. End of summer die offs beyond storage capacity. Shame what goes to waste.