Why did I not just buy one of the $20 ready made? My plan is to desolder the variable resistor on this and replace that with a series of relays connected to different fixed resistors. Those relays are then controlled by a RPi which will hopefully be able to vary the speed from 35%, 50%, 75%, 100% by toggling the appropriate relays.
What I want is for the RPi to fire up the fan at 100% when the lights come on. Then two minutes later decrease the speed. Throughout the light cycle, vary the fan speed from low to high as needed to maintain temperature based on the readings from the temp sensor.
Could have bought a $20 fan speed controller but this was cheaper and bigger and easier to hack. If it doesn't work, no great loss.
Anyone out there ever control fan speeds using relays and resistors? Will it work? Is there a flaw in my plan?
Just in case I also bought a similar PWM controller.
Amazon.com: HiLetgo 2000W PWM AC Motor Speed Control Module Dimmer Speed Regulator 50-220V Adjustable Voltage Regulator: Home Improvement
Amazon.com: HiLetgo 2000W PWM AC Motor Speed Control Module Dimmer Speed Regulator 50-220V Adjustable Voltage Regulator: Home Improvement
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