Best site to get seeds in us


Well-Known Member
Also Just got mine in from Germed in like 12 hours and the seedling looks great. Everyone knocks em but so far they seem ok to me...


Well-Known Member
I just ordered from they have a great selection and pretty good prices. They ship to US where I am at as well as you can use credit card (some places i checked only take cash,check,money order. check e =m out though just waitin the seeds to come in now:hump:

This is my first time ordering seeds, but people seem to like Planetskunk so i went with them (especially since they have the Ice Cream strain :weed:


Well-Known Member
hey im looking at the safest and best site to order seeds off of any suggestion?s was awesome as far as product, and shipping but with the recent rumors of some jackass in their clearing house stealing peoples credit card numbers, i wouldnt do it with anything but a prepay.... really i wouldnt do any of it without using a prepay, you may be trusting but there are dip shits out there counting on it.