Foliar feeding diy with water infused ingredients

Wow what a crappy title

So lately I’ve been infusing some of my food scraps in left over boiled egg water. Whatever items I use that I think will have some beneficial water soluble nutrients, I’ll toss it in the tea pitcher and let it sit for a few days. So far I’ve been using orange peels, egg shells, lime peels, lettuce, etc.

After a few soak days I strain it and pour it into a sprayer, and whatever’s leftover gets split into dwc resi’s. It does seem to have helped me supplement my tap water, and I haven’t had a deficiency since I started. (Something is up with the tap water here, even with the flora series I was having nothing but problems.)

Anyways it got me thinking that maybe some of you will have some good ideas on what I could add to my mixture to get more out of it. I’ll be honest, I don’t really have a recipe, so I’m sure I could learn some things here.

To be very honest, I’m chasing the results I saw with clones and compost tea. I tried implementing it into my dwc, and it didn’t do good for very long, however on the clones with foliar feeding I’ve never seen growth like it. The fastest I’ve ever seen a root expose itself with my growing conditions and environment was about 12 days from cut. Using the compost tea I saw the thickest roots I’ve ever seen 4-6 days after cut. Never seen anything like it. I’m sold on the tea for clones, and soil applications hands down. That being said, I chose not to continue with the compost tea, and try to find something a little less of a headache. I got rid of the air, the barrel, and the molasses, and now am trying just plain infusion instead. Besides, I don’t think it was the beenies contributing to that accelerated growth as much as I do the other nutrients anyways.

Any of you ever done anything like this before? I would love to hear your experiences and ingredients. I would love to find a way to provide all the nutrients the plants need from my diet. I’ve got a lot to learn, hopefully you guys can teach me something of value.
Certain "bennies" do promote root growth like that, in my experience. I've had really good luck with the Southern Ag Biological Fungicide in coco/soil for root growth/health. That's why they call them "plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Sorry, no experience with what you're talking about, but I do like compost tea too.
Certain "bennies" do promote root growth like that, in my experience. I've had really good luck with the Southern Ag Biological Fungicide in coco/soil for root growth/health. That's why they call them "plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Sorry, no experience with what you're talking about, but I do like compost tea too.

I was actually just using the basics. Molasses, worm castings, ground up shells and peels. Nothing purchased. That’s why I’m trying to do the same thing but with infusion as I am completely sterile now. I even keep the bleach in my water to make sure.
So nobody?

We don't do sterile in organics, nor does any person that I know give their plants water with bleach in it. I think that would be a very, very bad idea.

I have several bottles of synthetic nutes from my hydro days though in storage in my garage. If you like you can pay the shipping and I'll send them to you. Just PM me (I'm in Canada). Not sure if them being over 15 years old is a bad thing, but it's probably worth a try if you can't get anything else.
I’m sorry that you’re unfamiliar with using bleach in dwc, you should search about it, I can vouche it’s the best thing I’ve ever done to combat any problems below the plant when using the tap water thats available in my area. I’m sad you think it’s a bad idea, I hope you will research a bit and learn how successful it can be and also how it can benefit a sterile dwc system. Some even recommended a certain ppm for maintenance (.5 I want to guess), as well as a higher “shock” dosage to immediately correct any bacterial problems inside the reservoir.

You can also keep the nutes, although I appreciate how awesome of an offer that is, the point (for me) is to learn how to satisfy the nutrient needs through an infused foliar spray. Eventually I hope to get off the bottles and keep healthy happy roots with a sterile environment below ground, with a melody of nutrients in an infused spray at the leaf.

I can understand if this sounds so uncommon to you, but you never learn anything new on borrowed techniques. I truly hope you open up to some of these new ideas.

Thanks again for your contribution to the thread!
Well the foliage spray I would say is.. care to chime in on that? I suppose that’s what I’m more interested in. Would you ever try an infused water on your leaves? What would you use to make sure it was well rounded with nutrients ?
Wholly shirt man. Sorry. I dont know why but I thought this tread was the on the organic section of the site. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I'll just sneak back to the organic forum and leave you guys to do your thing. Happy New Year and happy growing no matter what method you use!
Yep this was posted in the wrong section.
My bad, I figured asking about good organic ingredients to infuse with water would best be discussed here. I can see it’s not the place. Might as well close the thread