Leaves have 'rusty' spots and fringes - 6 weeks old outdoor


Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

Looking for a bit of help and advice please ?

  • rust brown spots
  • rust fringes
  • rust tips to a lesser degree
close up


full size and other images attached below

  • outdoor
  • mostly sativa
  • germinated from seed
  • origin: my girlfriend's crop lat year
  • 6 / 7 weeks old
  • first 6 weeks in a 1 gallon black planter bag
    • 50% sterile nursery potting soil
    • 50% sterile nursery compost
  • transplanted 10 days ago into a
    • 50% home made organic living soil
    • 30% sterile nursery potting soil
    • 20% sterile nursery compost
Feeding & Nutes
  • rainwater
  • worm castings tea
  • fresh sea kelp tea
  • compost tea
Recent Stresses

A combo of wind & dry heat and summer sun & long daylight hours
  • 25-30⁰C / 77-86F
  • sunrise: 05:30
  • sunset : 20:00
Wind speed:
  • 20-45 km/h
  • 13-27 miles/hour
  • 10-24 knots
That double whammy was basically scorching the earth ...and any fragile greens.

I did see some wind burn clawing on the newer upper leaves.

The wind has subsided, the clawing is reducing, and none of the current rust colour damage problem at the top of the plant.


3 other plants transplanted from the same 1 gallon bags into the same 6 gallon pots

  • They are all looking healthy and happy
  • with a much darker green leaf colour
  • and none of the rust brown symptoms
ALL the Potted Plants have had the same watering amounts and schedule

30 other plants still in the same 1 gallon bags
  • They are all looking healthy and happy
  • with a much range of greens in leaf colours on different plants
  • and none of the rust brown symptoms
ALL the Bagged Plants have had the same watering amounts and schedule


From what I am reading ... I'm coming around to a Potassium deficiency ?



Some great info graphics there ... well worth bookmarking that page.



Active Member
Hey taorich! I hope you do t mind but o saw your post and was wondering if you’re using any NPK or calmag? I agree with the potassium deficiency theory. I think adding the NPK and calmag will help. IF you are going with just organic ingredients (getting that vibe from your nute list) you can try soaking some banana peals overnight and feeding the water to the plants. You may also dry the peels in the oven, on 170-180 until peals are dry and crisp. Blend them down and use as powder additive to soil. Bananas are great for potassium and I also keep my eggshells. I use them the same way I do the banana peels. Soak overnight in water and use the strained water the next 1-2 days. You may drop an airline in to keep things fresh. You can also put your eggshells in a blender, grind till powdered and add directly to soil! Hope this helps! Keep me posted!!


Well-Known Member
Hi @GrowerbabeAZ ... Southern Hemisphere Seasons Greetings

Thanks ...

I was going to wait for some friendly advice before hitting out to find a solution ...
... but your suggestion seems right on a fortuitous track ...

I have 3 bananas in my kitchen worm food container that were too ripe for my morning muesli today ...
... and some egg shells

I reckon I'll blend that all up with my little electric hand 'zoomer' ...
... and soak those overnight as suggested

I'll try that on her tomorrow morning then ... a fruity non-denominational breakfast punch for Xmas

- - -

I do also have this in the bottom of my supply cupboard


Talborne Vita Fruit & Flower
Certified Organic

EDIT: Just checked for other nutrients

It's got a decent amount of calcium in it too


Anyone care to suggest if that would be a good supplement to give right now ?
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Well-Known Member
One thing that is puzzling me though ...

Why only the one plant ?

Why am I not seeing it with the others who have the same soil and nute and watering conditions.

This is odd.


Active Member
Oh! Also add some silica to your plants diet! I use raw individual nutrients and I use these to product together! 1/16 of the powder and a cap full of the liquid! Very important for plant cell structure and development! Also keeps plant from going into shock! If you do add the vita fruit and flower, use it at 1/4 strength first then 1/2 then full. Don’t want to take a chance on damage rite? Keep me posted ok!! Merry Christmas or happy holidays friend!!



Well-Known Member
lso add some silica to your plants diet!

My past reading and researching suggested that Silica will be a good additive.

Thanks for the nudge.

- - -

I think I will blend the bananas and egg shells now ...
... and then apply tomorrow

That's the 1st plan of attack ... and it's organic goodness and low risk.

If you do add the vita fruit and flower, use it at 1/4 strength first then 1/2 then full.
Sensible advice.

I'll wait for more comments and feedback before bringing out the Big Guns

- - -

And finally ... I am not too concerned.

If I lose this gal ... I've got a host of subs on the bench.

I have 35 plants in the 1 gallon bags competing for a place in one of 9 Prepped Lifetime Pots.

I have 3 more healthy plants from the same seed, and at least 1 of those is confirmed female.

Part of my philosophy is to see how well each plant thrives under my grow conditions, and what its individual resistance levels are like.

If she does turn out to be bit fragile and prone to problems ... well she'll just have to make way for a keeper.


Active Member
One thing that is puzzling me though ...

Why only the one plant ?

Why am I not seeing it with the others who have the same soil and nute and watering conditions.

This is odd.
If it’s not a clone it could be the genotype of the plant! Is it from seed?


Well-Known Member
Report Back Update

I gave her some of the banana and egg shell soak
I topped her with some fresh earthworm castings
I watered her with some fresh kelp and blackstrap molasses tea

The decline has definitely halted.

I was seeing full leaf damage from the bottom ...
... tip and fringe damage higher up
... and only tip damage near the top

Good Sign #1

That is not progressing on leaves that already suffered some damage

Good Sign #2

The newest leaves at the top level are not showing any damage at all

Good Sign #3

She's put out an unmetricated inch of growth height.

- - -

Further observations and evidences

I noticed yesterday that all 4 of the females transplanted into the 6 Gallon Living Soil pots had actually slowed in growth height relative to the rest which have stayed in their 1 Gallon Planter bags.

So what I am concluding is that the slowing in growth and the rusty spots might very well have resulted from a few stresses all culminating and coinciding at once:
  • a bit of 'mechanical' root transplant shock
  • wind and heat stress for 10 days straight
  • a major jump in soil conditions between
    • the planter bag potting soil + compost
    • the pots living soil which is super super organically rich and perhaps a tad hot
[ This is my first attempt at making my own living soil. And I have been known to go a little over the top in my enthusiasm. ]

I think all of these factors combined over a short period may have just been enough to stress the plants into a minor step back and setback and slowdown mode.

Hopefully ... praise Jah ... that is all settling down nicely into a healthier balance.

I have just dosed all the potted girls with the castings and kelp ... and will see if they all start showing a little more vigour over the course of this week.

- - -

I am not at all concerned about a little early slowdown.

They all look healthy.
They are bushing up and thickening internally, even if they did not gain as much height as they could have.

The plants will be in veg until late March 12/12 ... so plenty of time still.

Smaller more dense happy healthy organically fed sweet tasting plants will do me just fine.

More manageable for my limited back yard pot conditions than lanky giants.


Well-Known Member

Thanks for the advice and support.

Hoping to cycle to the local Nursery / Garden Centre today to get my hands on some CalMag.

w.r.t. your Silica advice ... what's your preference ?

Diatomaceous earth

Do you perhaps have any brand name for what you use ?
I can google and look for something similar available locally.



Active Member

Thanks for the advice and support.

Hoping to cycle to the local Nursery / Garden Centre today to get my hands on some CalMag.

w.r.t. your Silica advice ... what's your preference ?

Diatomaceous earth

Do you perhaps have any brand name for what you use ?
I can google and look for something similar available locally.

@TaoRich I’m glad the advise worked for you! I love silica for my crops! My pref.. I have 2: RAW silica individual powder nutrient and General Hydroponics Armor Sí. These 2 added to my normal feeding regimen work great and deliver reliable consistent results on my garden veggies and my grow!!



Well-Known Member
My pref.. I have 2: RAW silica individual powder nutrient and General Hydroponics Armor Sí.
Thanks a bunch @GrowerbabeAZ

Sorry, I see only now that I missed the photo evidence in your earlier post which answered my request.

I'll do me some Google research ... and then get on my bike to a local centre.

New lockdown regulations issued last night for South Africa until 14 January 2021.

A passionate outdoor hobby to lose yourself in is a great boost for the soul in these topsy turvy uncertain times.


Active Member
Thanks a bunch @GrowerbabeAZ

Sorry, I see only now that I missed the photo evidence in your earlier post which answered my request.

I'll do me some Google research ... and then get on my bike to a local centre.

New lockdown regulations issued last night for South Africa until 14 January 2021.

A passionate outdoor hobby to lose yourself in is a great boost for the soul in these topsy turvy uncertain times.
Oh no!! Please be safe! I’ve always wanted to go to South Africa! I wanted to get some ancient strains! There and Afghanistan China and India too!! I want an ancient strain jungle!!!
What strains are oooular there?


Well-Known Member
What strains are oooular popular there
Ha ha ... it's seems that "the grass is always greener" is a worldwide phenomenon.

Everyone here is buying seeds for strains from other far flung lands.

Here is my personal favourite:

Durban Poison

The origin plant has very wispy buds and stinks of what can only be called cat piss ... even double bagged it will make your cupboard smell like a Tom Cat has marked your space as his personal territory.

It's straight sativa uplifting energetic ... with a solid trippy edge bordering on manic. Quite the rollercoaster ride.


Well-Known Member
Oh no!! Please be safe!

Being sensible but not paranoid.

A lot of my mates are testing positive for anti-bodies without ever having been ill or showing any symptoms. Some of our top virologists reckon around 30% of our general population have been exposed to low levels in some way, and triggered their healthy immune defences.

Pretty sure I'm in that group myself.
I will head for a confirmation test soon for my own peace of mind.


Active Member
Ha ha ... it's seems that "the grass is always greener" is a worldwide phenomenon.

Everyone here is buying seeds for strains from other far flung lands.

Here is my personal favourite:

Durban Poison

The origin plant has very wispy buds and stinks of what can only be called cat piss ... even double bagged it will make your cupboard smell like a Tom Cat has marked your space as his personal territory.

It's straight sativa uplifting energetic ... with a solid trippy edge bordering on manic. Quite the rollercoaster ride.
Last year, me, my 3 kids and my sons girlfriend were super sick. The only person who wasn’t was my mom. This vide explained why! My mom is the only one in the family that takes her vitamins religiously!! Take a looks t this!


Well-Known Member

All due respect ... I'm not going to enter the Covid debate here.

Not the right place for it ... in my opinion ...

... And in no way do I want to cast any aspersions on the medical principles and proven benefits of vaccines in general.

( I consider broad brushstroke anti-vaxxers to be as deliberately mentally delusional as 5g lunatics and lizard reptile alien fantasists. )

That being said, I'm gonna post this pic link from the Rollitup Lol Pix thread:


It does make a valid point.
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Well-Known Member
After that digression ...
... let's get this thread back on track shall we ?

If you do add the vita fruit and flower
I put my ego aside, and learnt something that's worth sharing.

Just because I've taken great care and done a lot of research and put in loads of sweat labour and effort to create a balanced healthy organic living soil ...
... that doesn't mean that I have all the necessary nutrients that my cannabis plants need.

- - -

I mixed up a dissolved batch of all 3 Vita Organic fertilizers ... and gave my plants a good watering.
  • They have all perked up
  • They have all shown a height growth spurt

  • All the new growth is more emerald than lime green
  • All the discoloration has stopped progressing
- - -

So ...
... back to the ego trap issue
  • I was being more than a bit stubborn about creating a 'perfect' living soil that would be a no feed grow
And ...
... I was ignoring the golden green finger Rule #1
  • Listen to your plants
- - -

I have now amended my lofty principles
  1. My organic living soil created with much love, is conducive to a diverse healthy balanced rhizosphere ... to satisfy my plant's growth substrate needs
  2. The addition of certified organic supplementals, is both sensible and necessary ... to satisfy my plant's nutritional needs


Active Member

All due respect ... I'm not going to enter the Covid debate here.

Not the right place for it ... in my opinion ...

... And in no way do I want to cast any aspersions on the medical principles and proven benefits of vaccines in general.

( I consider broad brushstroke anti-vaxxers to be as deliberately mentally delusional as 5g lunatics and lizard reptile alien fantasists. )

That being said, I'm gonna post this pic link from the Rollitup Lol Pix thread:

It does make a valid point.
Well said and greatly understood friend! I’m not trying to change peoples minds just give them something to think about. Thank you and happy new year!


Well-Known Member
I’m not trying to change peoples minds just give them something to think about.
Socially distant hugs 'n stuff.

I totally got your point ... and I learnt a bit myself from that video post.

Information ... and thinking ...

That's how humanity moves forwards.

Dogma ... and denial ...

That's how humans retard themselves.