The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
i have a cam to, just a stoner that forgets things easy :lol:

i'l have pics tomoro for ya welshie


Well-Known Member
hahahaha i wouldnt let the misses be in charge of the camera lol thats for sure lol.
was this for me west?

if so she's not having it again. only bought my cam a few months ago and used it a couple of times. its full of girlie pics now. she's having it no more :lol:


Well-Known Member
heres the e cheese followed by the ghs chees and then th bb cheese. I pruned the dead leafs off the e cheese so only new growth showing now lol.
like i said to you a while back the exodus cheese will be growing at a vastly slower rate than the others mate

you can even see that now but its a guarantee m8

my advise when it is veg'd well and grown up to ensure you take some cuttings from it and do a crop full rather than a single plant.

mr west

Well-Known Member
well thats the plan, clones will be what i put into flower from the 3 cheeses, 2 of each. Its a long way off of anything going into flower lol


Well-Known Member
well thats the plan, clones will be what i put into flower from the 3 cheeses, 2 of each. Its a lojng way off of anything going into flower lol

if your doing that again advice would be to take the exdous cuttings 2 weeks before the others so yo get a ahead start

that way when your 2 of each are together they be at around the same height..

mr west

Well-Known Member
cheers mate ill bare that in mind wen its time for clones to be taken. I shall try and fimm or at least top them all, which will help produce branches for clones to be taken.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Mr west you should be grining from ear to ear when all this cheese is ready to be smoked I know the last bit of cheese i smoked could'nt stop grining like a cheshire cat puff puff pass