Nice!! You made it?? I use to sell vintage jewelry and I have probably 10 pounds of jewelry scrap...broken vintage costume pieces that would make some cool if you run out of materials, let me know!!
Yes I make jewelry for a living, next to rollitupNice!! You made it?? I use to sell vintage jewelry and I have probably 10 pounds of jewelry scrap...broken vintage costume pieces that would make some cool if you run out of materials, let me know!!
Trying to convince myself to do some transplanting....from 3g to 7 or 10g bags, and they need their weekly Regalia / Venerate. And I just got a new 50' roll of mylar so yeah, need to get busy!!
moarI’ve been watching the sky SE of me, and I’ve been watching three or more Raptors popping in and out of contrail altitude. The planes are surprisingly hard to “make” even in my good 10x binos. When the light was just so I made out the fighter shape. What is diagnostic is the contrail. It starts “late” and takes on a ribbon appearance from those slotted exhausts that nothing else matches, except maybe that probable RQ-180 I not-saw in October.
Some 22s and a KC-someone.
I saw a singleton flying racetracks (until sudden maneuver) and a pair apparently engaging in ACM.
Here is the aftermath of their activity.
View attachment 4787442
And this? Homage to Horus .... ?
View attachment 4787443
white privilege.....if these were black protestors?...they would be trucking in bullets....shamefull^^ An interesting game to play is trying to find just one protestor that isn't white. Just one.
Not true.white privilege.....if these were black protestors?...they would be trucking in bullets....shamefull
There is little more to do in the face of lawless opposition.Nero is watching Rome burn.
one gun run from a cobra gunship would disperse them quicklyThere is little more to do in the face of lawless opposition.
this is why I store ammo....Here comes the back up, huge line of police vehicles and the National Guard is on the way to enforce the 6pm curfew.
A few grenades would have changed the situation in gun run from a cobra gunship would disperse them quickly