January 6th, 2021

I went to watch a floor vote in Congress and a hockey game broke out.

I hope she’s arrested
Wah, they maced me when all I was trying to do was take part in a "revolution" (her word) and overthrow a legal government. What in the fuck? How are these fucking idiots so detached from reality? Did she honestly not think there would be consequences?
"Oh, you're here for the coup d'etat? Come right in. Would you like my firearm?"

I never actually thought a Civil War was a realistic possibility. I thought the US was irreparably divided and broken, but I thought it would continue to limp along. Now.... now I think it's inevitable.

We have a 3rd world dictator elected into office because our nation was attacked in 2016 and it hasn't let up because of that con man is our POTUS. Along with a handful of other would be dictators.

There is not going to be a civil war over these idiots.

At best there will be pockets of violence that ends badly for the idiots who should be getting mental health treatment after years of being under constant assault from Trump's militarized trolls (foreign and domestic).