Can you use biobizz all mix soil straight away??


Active Member
I’ve just started growing some autos in Rockwool cubes and they’re nearly ready to be moved into soil in bigger pots.

I was wondering if I can put them straight in with biobizz all mix? Or will it be too rich with nutrients?

I have read people saying that it will stunt the growth of the plant and damage it but have also read that other people have done it and it’s been fine? Was wondering if anyone has any experience doing it this way?

I usually just use the light mix and add nutrients earlier on.

You can use it straight away. I grew one auto directly in all-mix, turned out ok. Bought light-mix since then bcus of what you said, people saying it stunts growth. Could be true, but that doesn't mean it happens 100% of times. I used my remaining all-mix on chilis and tomatoes :)
Do you find much difference?
In allmix I got mild nute burn but sorted itself out and grew great a few times this happened and a few times it didn't. The funny thing is if I use light mix I start feed at 2 weeks i get mild nute burn :wall: next run I think I'll start in small pots with light mix and pot up at 2 weeks into allmix. I grow auto's so hopefully by doing this way I won't have to feed any nutes or just a little once or twice depending on grow time.