I'm curious about what these guys think about this as well, more specifically the use of these specific nm diodes as compared to the white light spectrum's that most people seem to be using these days.So I know chinese blurples are crap but...
viparspectra V series has these diodes:
730, 660, 630, 615, 595, 580, 475, 460, 445, 440.
also 3000K and 7500K.
sounds like this ticks a lot of boxes as far as the hyper red , far red and blue aspects.
and it's only $55 delivered to cover my 2x2 tent.
I have very little experience growing and am not in a good situation to experiment so can't offer much as far as accurate comparisons of finer details (strech/internode length for example), but the last two mj grows I vegged/flowered under my gla highlight boards. The plants seemed to grow very healthy even through all my grower errors and lack of proper attention to them. I wish I were in a better situation to be able to try things out specifically on some cannabis plants, but still a ways away from doing that. That said, I do have tons of different spectrums/cri options (more than I would like to admit from grabbing "sale" items along with other things) and could set up my two smaller tents to grow out some kale's or something a little more legal friendly if you all wanted to see something specific. I know there is tons of info to be had all over the internet pertaining to these, but just figured I'd offer it up if anything specific came to mind, plus it'd give me something to do after this grow is done and I figure out what happens next when the lease is up in a couple months.